Google collab render drops out arbitrary

I have to render a 700 frame animation. Never had problems before with collab but now (after frame 25) the rendering stops with the ’ ^C ’ command. Right now i have to restart the rendering after every frame, hoping it wont stop again, which will take a long time if i have to repeat that for 700 frames.

I dont get any warnings or errors, it just stops…

Never had this problem before. Can someone tell me why this is happening or what causes this behaviour?

Where can i get more information about that?

Here is screen:

The best place to ask would be Collab…they might have far more info than us as we can’t see any of your file’s info and I would assume that it is far too large to share…

One question, have you always used denoising pass with collab? It might be better to do that in Post, you could always do a simple test with a smaller frame count, to see the results…

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Yes i have, i use OPTIX and never experienced any problems with that. Right now i am testing a different blender version, so far it renders ok but i just started it. Should it stop again at any point i will try render it without denoising. I keep you posted

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Ok, it might have been a faulty Blender version i’ve installed on collab. So far it seems to work and exceeded frame 25. Knock on wood… :wink: