Google Maps Models Importer

Google Map’s 3D view mode is not supported anymore for some region. (I don’t know why, and I don’t know this is temporary or not)
This is one reason why 3D button is not visible on Google Maps for some people.
The solution is, change your region to United State.
You can find the region at the bottom-right on your Google Maps.region

Then you will find 3D and rotate button on your Google Map.

Before this, I have tried the followings.

  • appending ?force=webgl at the end of google map URL
  • enable Globe mode in satellite mode
  • refresh Chrome hardware acceleration (turn on → turn off → turn on)

Nothing helped. But the solution was simple.:slight_smile:
It seems to be the same in most other regions.
I think it would be nice to show this information in the Github FAQ.