Latest completed portrait. Sculpted, Modelled, Textured and Rendered in Blender. The most challenging part was creating the skin texture. Feedback most welcome. Any questions, let me know. Thanks.
Just a small update and some extra render tests…
Latest completed portrait. Sculpted, Modelled, Textured and Rendered in Blender. The most challenging part was creating the skin texture. Feedback most welcome. Any questions, let me know. Thanks.
Just a small update and some extra render tests…
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Thanks, Bart. Appreciated as always.
Looks amazing!
Super cool work! What prompted you making this art piece? Are you playing this character? Inspired by another work? Commission?
Hi. The initial point was really just to practice sculpting and making the face texture from scratch. I just added the armour to make the piece look more complete and atmospheric. So basically the whole thing evolved from a head study and I just kept going.