Gorilla Tank - Mega Man 6 BC robot competition

Hello everybody

I’m building another robot :wink: This time I decided to not do my own design but rather look to recreate a classic from the mega man games.

I played many games of the early mega man series ( 8-bit versions ) for two days and finally decided on the Gorilla Tank.

After modeling for 5 days solid here are two renders to evaluate. One lighting system is well illuminated but a bit flat , the other is very dramatic but at the cost of dark areas. I cant decide which version is better for the final submission render.

Please feel free to say which version you prefer.

OH also I rendered this with an orthographic camera - its the first time I’ve actually done a render as such but it suites the perspective of the reference image better.

EDIT : deleted old images and here is the latest :

The lighted version looks better but the other one looks okay too. As a fan on the series, I say well done. You captured it well.

Yeah. I agree. Lighter version is better. Maybe a bit wider tracks for the model?

Thanks guys :wink: The lighter version was the way I wanted it … until I finished and afterwards I was looking at some other professional artworks online and saw a few with this dramatic lighting style so I thought I would do one like that as well and then try make up my mind.

I could probably make the tracks slightly wider yeah good call. I rendered this with BI so im currently just doing a conversion to cycles for the practice… but prob wont change over unless I get exceptional results , I have only worked with cycles a few times so I keep forgetting all the tricks to make it work well.

Why you posted this here if it`s already modeled and textured and rendered. lol XD
It should be on focused critiques (if you want critiques obviously) or on finished projects.
Nice job anyways… I never played the game though. I like the first render.

Here is my final image I sent , I went for a hybrid of my two lighting schemes. I made the background less pronounced and added some post production to round it off. I made the image dimensions wider so it had some room to breath but this also helped make him look even more chunky without me having to go change the model.

I had some time on my hands so I decided to build up a better scene and also change the look and feel of materials and lighting. I deleted my old entry from the competition and have added this new one.