Hi guys.
Lately, i’ve been all possesed with gothic art, so i decided to make this gothic train station.
The key to all of these pillars is to make them tilable, or it wont turn out that good…
I yet dont know if this will be a render, an animation or a runtime, so i put it here.
Images in solid mode:
man i like this
It’s looking really good!
Wippie, replies.
Im working my ass of with the textures on this, and the big windows and the train rail itself.
lots of things to do, but i’m for once pretty happy with the results.
Heres some with the ground texture up, and transparent windows.(good enough for now)
I did some things to the windows here;
not quite happy with it, so i might change it later on.
Wow, are you going to use it in the game? Would be great. I think the logs under the rail could be shorter, but that’s the only thing that I think should be changed. It’s a good work.
Looking good at the moment, good luck!
Ive textured the pillars and the cealing using mapzone.
just look at it, aint that pretty?
i must say, im pretty impressed my self.
Ok,heres the deal, i decided to make it a runtime instead, so ive posted this in the games forum instead.