Goz for blender 2.8

Hi Hickz,

Thank you! Exporting from Zbrush made it work.

Thanks again

On ZBrush 2019.1 & Blender 2.8, both ways worked perfectly.
But after update to Zbrush 2020, work only Zbrush -> Blender.
GOB v 3.0.91
Reinstall All, Update to Blender 2.81 … The Same problem.

No idea man, works for me both ways.

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major hurdle using this add-on is exporting multiple(all) or visible subtools from Zbrush > Blender.
The maximum amount of subtools that can be exported seams to be ±4. I have spent over 4 hours trying to get my HighPoly out of Zbrush to Blender without succes. Sadly I cant export .fbx since it messes up the scale… GoB scale is 1on1.

Would it be possible to add an option for tweaking scale?
Zbrush has a limitation on that, brushes work only on local so for large meshes the only workaround is to hardcode scale values in Blender and then scale them back to original size.
So instead maybe would be nice to have it e.g here:



Hi Guys

Im trying to GoZ from Zbrush 2020 to Blender 2.82 and I can only get ZBrush to tell me image ‘’ File Saved to disk successfully’’ but I dont get the mesh in Blender, I have the add on working on Blender and Im able to send my mesh from blender to Zbrush, but not otherwise.

I have done :
‘‘Clear the cache’’
‘’ Forced a reinstall ‘’
‘’ Re path the blender directory ‘’

the Add on I installed is the GoB-3_0_8. and I have pasted the blender folder on the zbrush directory.

Please let me know if you have faced this issue and fixed it,

Thank you for your time.

Same Problem. But I Use ZB2019.1.2

it seems this happens more often, i will try to reproduce the issue and see if i can fix it. please if you get any errors in blenders console post them here or over at github

sorry for the late reply, i tried to reproduce this but i dont seem to have a limit like you describe it. did you solve the issue? if not could you upload a file where this hapens so i can try if i get it with that

im my test i transfered 45 objects without problem from zbrush 2020 to blender 2.81a

first of all you are on a old version, please try the lastest release:

and just to make sure that you have the import enabled in blender, do you have this button in the active state? if not nothing will be imported

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I can see now it is possible to export several selected objects not just one by one which is amazing.
Still tho I would like to know if we could have a scale conversion of some sort since zbrush lacks on large meshes a lot.
So my idea was exporting X mesh with certain fake scale value as user input that zbrush would read and then when going back to Blender it would revert that value to the original one.

yes that was already suggested before and i have a ticket open for this but i did not find the time to work on this topic.
you can see some discussion about that here: https://github.com/JoseConseco/GoB/issues/46
since the scaling transfer and scaling inside zbrush is a bit strange it would be great if you provide a example how you imagine the option to work and what you would expect to get in zbrush.


well, a big difference between the two is that in Blender brush size is not being affected by object’s scale when in the pixologic one it has indeed a certain limit.
If u are, say, sculpting a piece of stone that is 10 or 15 times the size of your brush at max size believe me is not desirable.
So, a workaround to this would be to ask the user for a float value (a variable) set by him/her that will be multiplied by the original scale of the objects in order to use it when going back and forth between programs (divide and multiply)
Example: a simple but really big box in Blender, u wanna sculpt it for some reason in zbrush. So, u set this variable value to 0.01, then it would be 0.01 the scale in Zbrush but when using the gob import it would multiply the scale by 100 in order to compensate that initial scale.
I hope I made my point here, sorry for the extended stuff.


i was looking into this yesterday and my concern is that zbrush works in a 2m space, however this depends on the scaling you have in zbrush. so if you just send over a 10cm stone than that will be fitted into that 2m space which defines how the brush scale in zbrush is affected. hoever if you start out with a model in zbrush that is in blender scale 2m and send over the stone it will be relative to that first model that was fitted into the zbrush space.
So im not sure we can resolve this problem just from the blender side since it will depend on the environment in zbrush that you send it to.
As long as you have in zbrush GoZ options the “import as subtool” disabled your obejct should always be getting the full scale and a brush in zbrush that is working properly.

PS: did you try to use the dynamic option on the Draw size? that sometimes helps with the brush scale


turning off dynamic seem to do the trick.
Thanks man, always nice to learn stuff around.

hehe glad to share some:D some options in zbrush are kinda hidden like this options inside buttons^^
i will anyways try to make it more consistent to send models from blender, i think there is some things that can be done.

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Also, do u know a way of making zbrush viewport less laggy for navigation and rotation in general around models?.
I noticed that the closer u get to the faces the slower it gets and also depends on the complexity.
Rounded models tend to go a bit faster.
Thanks again

maybe try one of the less expensive shaders?

other than that i know that the document size has a impact on performaance so maybe your document is oversized which uses more performance than needed.

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Quick tip for ZB users.

If you are working with units like inches or centimers, use the Scale Master plugin’s export functionality when your units are set in Zbrush. The GoZ pipeline does not seem to respect those settings. This could be Zbrush’s export or the addon itselfs.

Is it possible to add an import polygroups to face sets feature?

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