Gradiant in vector direction

Hi there,
is there a way to make this gradient being rotate at all spikes, like at the spike with the arrow

My current node setup is like that. But its not like I really know, what I am doing…

Hi, you want the gradient to flow the same way as in the topmost spike ? and not repeat ? you want the base to be black and the tip to be white ? just trying to clarify before suggesting anything

I want it like this…

now I ramped the texture that provides the spikes. However. this not that great to controll…

A spherical gradient using object coordinates will do the trick. Use a modulo to get the bands.

Like this?

Didn’t work

If I get you right you want a gradient to control the the shape of a repeating spherical pattern. This is how you can do it.

The value (bottom left) controls the repeating frequency and the ramp the colors.


It didn’t work because the Gradient Texture node has to be placed between the Mapping and the Floored Modulo nodes. Also, in the Mapping node, you can leave the X in Scale at 1.

Looks good. I will Check this out later.

Dies works only in spherical objects. What If the spikes are curved Like crazy?

Well… I will try.

Well what you are doing currently is procedural. So the vertices location of your mesh determine what color the mesh at that area will have. And yeah to make its results predictable all these approaches are spherical. If you want to deform its spikes there will be no way around generating uvs somewhen. If its now for baking the procedural textures from above or classic uv mapping with painting on it afterwards.

You need to generate some kind of coordinates if you want this to work for other shapes, right now you’re relying on pretty unstable factors : general shape has to be spherical, spikes need to stay straight, etc. but these coordinates can in fact come from the object itself : if you check “add rest position” in object data properties, Blender will create a mesh attribute that you can reference in shader nodes (same as in Debuk’s node tree, except replace the object coordinates with the rest_position attribute). These coordinates will stay put even if you distort the mesh with modifiers or shapekeys, provided the base shape stays spherical. It’s not foolproof, but depending on the context, it may well be enough


OH :eyes:

Blender never ceases to amaze me!