Grammar Nazi check-in point

You know, it takes a lot to raise my ire, but dammit, if I see one more person who is supposed to have some semblance of intelligence and schooling use the word “loose” when they mean to use the word “lose,” I think I might have to go on a killing rampage.

I will rip off each of their appendages and shake them before their bewildered and pained faces, explaining that THIS is LOOSE… and now they will die because they will LOSE copious amounts of blood.

The same goes for people who try to say that a point is moot, but pronouce it like “mute”. Stabbage all around.

This isn’t directed at anyone here… I’ve just run into this a lot recently and it’s been buggin’ the shit out of me.


Sorry to do that to you. It’s really not a big deal as long as we can interperet it correctly. There are a lot of non-native English speakers here, and then there are some who don’t care and never will. It’s pretty pointless to attempt to convert them because they never will.

Well…for a loooong moment I thought “loose” meant “lose” because I’m a non native english speaker. And I’m pretty sure alot of people in here are in the same position as me so you should calm down a little, have a nice night of sleep, take a beer and watch tv. Everything needed to relax :slight_smile:

/me points @ al_capone

I second that motion.

I get annoyed when people try to use html instead of bbcode, just to let you know. :slight_smile:

So banned me, but I won’t buy any books if I am.

I am Griik end therefor mai Inglish are not veri good…

Bat in eni case, if I wear in Al’s pozicion, I wood go end bai sam good books in case you banned me for that…

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually, “dammit” is correct. “Damnit” may also be correct, I’m not sure.

Another word that annoys me is “lightning” when the person means “lighting”.

Heh… Oops. :expressionless: I stand by my spelling of dammit, though (although, I think, the truly proper way to do it is by writing out both words with a space [damn it]).

Yeah, I realize that there are a number of non-native english speakers here. As I said, this isn’t directed at anyone here as most folks here are pretty good about it. I’ve just seen this phenomenon grow recently among people who only know english and it’s taken its toll on me. I felt the need to comment. Apologies for anyone I may have offended.

That hurts the Blender Foundation, not elYsiun, which is totally seperate entity. That’s like saying I’m not going to buy a satellite dish from DishNetwork because Toshiba televisions piss me off.

Beside that, you’re limiting what you’ll learn because that stuff isn’t all on the internet.

That hurts the Blender Foundation, not elYsiun, which is totally seperate entity. That’s like saying I’m not going to buy a satellite dish from DishNetwork because Toshiba televisions piss me off.

Beside that, you’re limiting what you’ll learn because that stuff isn’t all on the internet.[/quote]

Not to mention that if these are the “books” he is refering to, then all I can say that this statement of Al’s is enough of a reason to get some people here offended and pissed with him…

But I don’t want to believe that these were the “books” he was refering to…

What else could he possibly be referring to?

what the???..i don’t speak english either :S LOL

Yes, I’m refering to the Blender books that I haven’t been able to afford yet, sooooo

Um… Al_Capone said, “So banned me,” (my emphisis). Doesn’t that past tense congegation of the word ‘ban’ mean that you have already been banned. But you haven’t.

You just have horrendous grammar usage issues. 8)

Ah, but maybe it’s only because of this thread :smiley: Will a spellcheck be in the next forum update ?

Lol, you won’t buy the books anyway.
Maybe I’ll buy one when I have enough money and I get a keyboard (mine is broken right now, the cord ripped, I use my mom’s computer)

So not only will you not buy the Blender book, but you won’t buy a dictionary either? :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess there is always for that.

Or any decent (or crappy in Microsoft’s case) word processing program will work wonders for spell check… I do no recommend Microsoft Word, type in “My own well being.” and do a spell check, and change all grammatical errors… Watch in amazement as Microsoft constantly corrects you…