I’ve been struggling with this sort of thing for a while and haven’t been able to find an answer. Whenever I want to make some sort of opening in a mesh, there are two ways I have learned how to do so. 1) Make the opening in the mesh, select the edge loop, and press Shift + Alt + s. This creates a somewhat rounded opening. This kinda works for some situations. Or 2) Make the opening, add a new mesh (say a circle for instance) and make that mesh have the same number of vertices as the opening. Then select both edges and do a bridge connect.
Unfortunately, none of those options are working for what I’m doing right now. What I’d like to do is create a bezier curve (instead of extruding vertices, that isn’t as precise) and convert that curve to a mesh and somehow bridge connect it to the edge loop of the clock door. Is that possible? Or is there a better way to do this.
Yes, what you propose is very feasible: you make the bezier, taking care of the number of points so that it can be bridged to the other mesh, then convert the curve to mesh (Alt+C), then join the new mesh to the previous to make them just one (select both and Ctrl+J).
At that point you can bridge both the loops.
Of course, if I figured correctly what you are after.
On a side note, I would suggest that you use a separate mesh for that extruded bit at the bottom of your clock, because it creates too much unnecesary geometry without additional benefit. It would help you cut down the number of vertices you need to create for your opening too and give you less trouble. You can parent that bit to the main body of the clock so it would behave exactly like you would want it.
Is there a way around having to count the number of vertices? Or is that the only way…I feel like that is a bit much but I suppose if that is the only way it would be necessary.
Is there a way around having to count the number of vertices? Or is that the only way…I feel like that is a bit much but I suppose if that is the only way it would be necessary.
Are you talking about the little cube part directly under the clock? That would make sense. Sometimes I don’t think about those sort of things. That will definitely help.
If you set the resolution (U = 1) for the curve, the number of generated vertices for the mesh will be the same of the points of the curve, if U = 2 they will be the double minus one, and so on.