Grandpa Dragon

This was my recent collaboration with ColiN00B. This took us extremely long (60h) to do. Mainly because we had a lot of trouble finding a good composition.
Done in Blender Cycles, Zbrush and Gimp using lots of awesome textures from Rendered with 2500 samples.
Hope you guys like it, and we’d be very grateful for some feedback

This is a render of only the dragon character from different perspectives. It was extremely noisy, and the render still has some noise in it after rendering it with 3000 samples and denoising.
I wanted to try out the studio hdr set from Poliigon in this render and ended up using one that took care of almost all the lighting in the scene.

AO render of the scene



Looks good, wish there was a version at a higher resolution though.

His overall form gives me the thought of him being a mix of Dragon and Kangaroo (noting the ears and the overall pose).

Short scene breakdown.

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This looks really awesome, I saw it on blendernation. Can’t understand why it only got 1 comment. Anyway, good job :slight_smile: