Grant R. Brown - Assets


I wanted to start a little topic for assets I am releasing. Future updates will go here every now and again so as not to clutter up the forum (and avoid breaking forum rules on self promotion). I’m going to focus on archviz assets to begin with, the next set of assets probably going to include some different chairs and other stuff like electrical outlets, etc.

Feels a bit strange to post something that isn’t really “art” but maybe someone will go and use these to create actual art :slight_smile: Sadly I will have to focus on these for a little while, as despite my best efforts I’ve been “freelancing” since May and I can’t live on savings forever.

All my assets can be found here for the time being.

Kreslas / Chandigarh Chair (with modelled Rattan weave):

Internal Doors (with customisable / turn-off-able accent colours):



New bamboo/rattan lampshades released!

These were quite fun to make actually, barring the twist ceiling lampshade (this one was a bit tedious I must admit).

Feedback welcome!


A Storm Glass.

The crystals are made with geometry nodes and are somewhat procedural (in terms of their arrangement). By changing the merge by distance settings, you can lower the polycount quite a bit and still have them look good (e.g. without this node the polycount is like 1.5million, whilst even at just a medium setting you immediately remove 2/3rds of the polycount without making it look worse).

This is probably better suited to add interest to close up renders, as it still needs a lot of samples and light bounces and so can be quite slow. You can see even in my renders there are some tiny black areas so I could have upped the bounces more.


Another asset. This was quite tricky despite appearances. It was quite difficult to get the plastic to look close to the reference for both night and day conditions.

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I’ve not had a lot of time to work in Blender lately but I decided to make a model of Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest (“Rhinoceros”) - or rather, the plastic model I have of it. I realised when making this that my 3D model is, in my opinion, more interesting than the real life model. Why? Because in the plastic model the legs are repeated so there are 3 pairs of legs on each side with the same walk position. In my 3D model, I mirrored the legs and so there are 6 different positions each side. I think this makes for a more interesting look.

With special thanks to @bandages, who aided my quest to get the mesh rigged and walking. You can see a (low quality) video of the walk cycle here and from the side here.

In case anyone is interested, the model is available on Blendermarket here.


Some more assets I worked on.

All my assets are available here.

Cat Tree (procedural fraying and wrap LOD):

Scandinavian Lounge Chair (with 2 finishes, and option for fraying):