Graph Editor limitation when keyframing values on nodes in nested node groups

I have a node group, let’s call it Node Group.001, that performs a number of functions, and each function has its own nested node group within Node Group.001. If I create a keyframe on a value on a node at the root level of Node Group.001, I get a hierarchical location of that keyframe in the Graph Editor (Scene > NodeGroup > Size X, for example). If I then try to create a keyframe within one of the nested node groups, say Node Group.002, the value turns yellow as if it is accepting the keyframe, but the keyframe doesn’t show up in the Graph Editor when the node is selected. Is that supposed to function that way? If so, what would be the recommended way to achieve the organization of a node group if it needs to be nested within another node group and still needs to be able to edit the curve in the Graph Editor? Thanks!

I find that you have to select the node for the curve to appear in the graph editor.

Can I ask why you’re keyframing on an interior nodegroup? I feel like it would make more sense for all the values you need to keyframe to be values on the root nodegroup, so you can see all the values at once.

Thanks for the reply. The selection of the keyed internal node is something I tried, as that is how I am able to determine a difference in functionality from keyed values in external nodes.

So, I’ve been working on a compositing node group that provides a series of effects on a movie clip that can be adjusted independently, but they feed into each other. I did have a single root-level group with 30-40 nodes, but it was difficult to trace them all and know what they contributed to the image, so I grouped all the related nodes in easy to understand subgroups. It just so happens that the value I need to key exists in a subgroup.

Again, it seems like either the inability of using the Graph Editor to adjust keyed values in subgroups should be clearly advertised somewhere, or Blender shouldn’t allow me to key values in nested node groups. I searched the forums and Google for anyone else having this issue and found nothing. I find it really hard to believe that no one else has encountered this issue before.

I know I can use Layout Frames to organize my nodes, but I like being able to collapse the node groups for a cleaner appearance. Maybe a developer can explain why this is the way it is.

So, I had a thought about a way ahead. If Blender won’t let me use the Graph Editor to edit keys on values on nested node groups, I think I can create an instance of the node group at the root level of the compositor, adjust its values and keyframes how I like them, make sure it is unlinked so as to not affect node computation, and then Shift+A add another instance of that node where I need it. Do you think that would work?

…Dang…Thinking about it, I’m pretty sure keyframes aren’t saved in node groups when added back into the Node Editor. I’ll still give it a try and report back here with my findings.

So, I got a response when I posted on the #blendercoders IRC channel. It looks like this is a known issue and at one time had been marked as a todo item:

Though it says it was marked as a todo item on the Blender wiki, the link supplied led to a “page not found” error. I may poke someone to see if it still exists as a todo as it has been a known issue since at least version 2.71.