please help .
GRASS / HAIR GENERATOR - where i could dl this script?
anyone could give me link or send an email with IT in an attachement ?
Maybe there is a webpage for it ???
please help .
GRASS / HAIR GENERATOR - where i could dl this script?
anyone could give me link or send an email with IT in an attachement ?
Maybe there is a webpage for it ???
Here’s RipSting’s email add.
He’s the guy who wrote the grass/hair script in question.
Meh I know I should really get anothe page up. All my pages went down at the same time that the official Blender page did… I just did a search and I found this link:
ripsting thats your page? awesome man, thanks alot! i dled all the plugins from that page, great collection
That is great. I went through the page and saw there was a script I can use for my main project (architectural walk through of the Bradbury Building) This building has a cage elevator which shows all the gears, etc… and I hope the wagon zipped demo/script will help me make it work better. I didn’t even know it existed! Unfortunately it won’t download, but fortunately you have a zip of everything, so I’m grabbing that, thanks so much!!! See what you can discover by cruising these pages?
love ya, Ingie