Grass on The Moon

This is my first post… :smiley: Yay! So yeah… :slight_smile: I got bored and made this. And… The result is not so bad, and I learned a bit from playing around with the nodes.

Can you tell me what I should do to improve it?

The actual size of the sun is too big compared to the distance between the earth and the moon. As far as the rest of the picture, I really can’t tell if it’s on a moon or something else. If you were to lessen the grass particles and have some more craters, then the caption can reflect on the image.

The technical features of the scene, i.e. size of sun, etc., like Xero mentioned, could use some work, but the overall lighting scheme and compositing looks very nice. Good job man!

:smiley: I’ll go fix it then… So… How should I add more craters? (Sorry if this is a noob question…)

Well, you could create it like a inverted dome. But you need to take a look some references to be a bit more accurate for the terrain.