Just wanted to share some grass renders in blender. :yes:
I like the color variations in the grass. Very nice work
Absolutely stunning! Best grass render I’ve seen in blender!
I didn’t know Blender could do grass like that…
great work!
hmm, you must have a pretty beefy machine, or else lots of time.
looks like both to me
Thanks guys:-)
2 or 3 hours for the first one and about one hour for the second picture(both 1920x1080), I used instances, maybe that is the case;-)
koolean : your grass is really nice.
Could you give us some informations about how you did it , I’m interested in doing some grass for a picture I’ll do soon and maybe need some help
HOLY MOLEY! This is the best grass I’ve ever seen in Blender. You have a great eye for colour and lighting as well.
I ditto what cedrictrojani said. Can you share how you made it?
Holy shi-
Hey… look’s cool… any tips on the grass materials/shader?
i will try to post my .blend but i need to get the file size down allot before i can
idk if this worked… if it did then all u need to do is set the amount of particles to 35000 and it should be the same as my pic
object grass.blend (250 KB)
Hmm… the .blend not working (no hair) for me (cog’s build 29943)… I will try another build later.
I used two tutorials:
After that you’ll know as much as I do about grass in blender;)
Nice! Just I used different way of creating grass, you can see in tutorials I gave links to earlier. Maybe you want to try it.
Standard build works fine…
Thanks for the .blend natholas.
no problem!