Grav Battle

Co-ops always fun! but you need enemies for that…
I loved that game!!! I had the shareware version… but it was still awesome!

Well I know how to make turrets and and a basic follow AI system but do you think I can can find a tutorial for something like enemies that fell back when or something that can dodge or take cover

Co-op is the best thing ever invented!

Terminal Velocity is a game where you fly around and shoot stuff, but the weapons in it were kind of cool.:wink:

I just saw some game play for Terminal Velocity, it look really old. but you were right the weapons in it were pretty cool.

P.S. I started Co-Op mode any. Revised the the starting screen and changed the movement from simple motion to Sevo Control. Yeah!

Gravity Battle Multi Player beta

       In this muti player beta of "Grav Battle" you'll get a taste of "Race Mode" and "Co-Op Mode".

=New Menus!
=Better Movents!

And other Challenges in this epic beta


Well there is the beta. And it could be so much better if I had a Team to work on it together with. any volunteers O.o

Yes, Terminal Velocity is really old.:wink:

Looking good so far!
I would help, but I don’t know that I could help you with anything.:stuck_out_tongue:

it’s cool just up with suggestion and stuff. I’ll find a team soon, until then I’m on my own.

P.S. I got a site up now but It’s still under construction.check it out.

Nice site, but looks a little defaultish… good start though!:slight_smile:

You could add mines to make the game more challenging.:yes:
(to make a mine float, just have it always move upwards along the global z axis the same amount that the gravity is pushing down…)

I played your demo. It’s pretty fun, but you can barely read the controls when pressing x ingame.

I know how to make a opj float, just make it ridge body>10 mass>simple motion>force Z-axis 98.00>take off the local “L”
I’ll try to make better.

P.S. in co-op you can press C key to see the co-op description

almost forgot, how did you guys like the meteor striking the hall way at the end of the co-op mode. And I’m thinking add a mode where man a cannon and your shot at ships

This is my new idea for a new game mode

Looks interesting!

You could have a minigame where you try to collect energy-spheres before the other player does, and you can shoot them out of the other person!

Sound good. Know any tutorial that could get me started

Umm… no?

The collecting shouldn’t be too hard though.

Ok I’ll get started and when it’s somewhat done I’ll post a new thread.

There’s a link in my signature to my favourite “starting out” tutorial. It’s real basics kind of stuff. The last part of it though shows how to do collectable items.

Thanx I’ll use that as a reference incase I forget something.

Here is the new minigame thread