
Done for CGBoost Challenge




That is sick! In a good way. Well done.


Nice composition lines . The camera’s point of view serve very well the dramaturgy.


awesome !!! 8-D
deserves a feature !

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Thanx for the comments. It’s been a nice ride

Excelent, Qimono!!! Very creative and fun.

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Thank you :robot:

Very nice! I love the composition

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Very scary and impressive :open_mouth:

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

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This is really very cool looking for sure. And has all kinds of good stuff going for it… My only problem is that if this is a statue, I’m not sure how one would pull off making a statue that has such thin features (tentacle-wings, whatever) sticking out so far horizontally. And I’d love to see a statue that does accomplish this feat, if one indeed exists. *My work forces me to scrutinize every aspect of my scenes, down to the smallest details, always obeying physics and crap like that…

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This is so cool!

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this looks amazing! a huge WOW

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WOWWWW this is so creepy and stunning. Do you have an instagram or artstation?

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Very awesome, my only criticism here is that the skull looks a bit too clean. I think a bit of darken patch on it would be nice.

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Than You :pray: :+1:

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I’t s a bronze statute. I know it’s not very visible after i decided to give it a this old-photo-look, so here it is before it got placed in the scene.

Thank you.

I’m not very good at posting my work unless i have reason like this time, but here it is:

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Aaaaahhh… bronze! I guess I assumed stone or marble, being in a graveyard. Still seems that anything shaped like this would have trouble over long periods of time, but hey, it’s art yo! Great piece no matter what. Keep jamming.

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