Gravity Puzzle V 1.0 (With Map Pack 1) and scoring.

Made this game in about 30 minutes:p. But I thought it was fun enough so I started to work on it some more.

Description: Pretty Basic, the arrow keys change the direction of the gravity. The gravity effects a ball. Get the ball to the green box and you get transported to a new lvl. Hit the red boxes and you lose, the gray boxes are “safe”.

To do. I was going to create Map Packs but I couldn’t figure out how to play those with out making another .exe. Maybe a code that exports the lvl, and one that finds and imports it?
Or make a Launcher that can find .exe’s in a folder? :spin:

Anyway ideas and feedback are more than welcome.
Here’s the blend.

Also you can go to my site(it’s in the sig) and download the installer.

And the screens(not much to look at, I was going for the play factor)

I know what your thinking Blue Screen of Death!!! but I think that it works with this game. If you don’t, I can change it.

Update added a score. Blend. Post your scores

It’s pretty good. best puzzle game on the BGE I played so far. but then again I only played like 4 or 5 of them
it’s good
4 / 5

Good, glade you like it. Unfortunately there are only 5 lvl’s:no: that’s why I want to create Map packs. Anyone have an idea for a launcher that could find and play .exes?

Okay, I’m working on extra maps to put in a Map Pack. If someone has a idea for a map, tell me or make one and post the blend here.

WOW! That’s addicting. LOL Pretty cool! Keep it up!

Yeah! Map Pack 1. 3 additional maps.

Here’s the blend.
And a screen.

Can Python access files out side of blender?

why yes, it can. It can look at text files… look at blendenzo’s save/load tut for that.

Thanks. But I would like to have blender check for .exe in a folder, get the names, and then some how let the user access it. I’ve been thinking about that problem for days:( but I’m not that good with python, other that “if-then” stuff.
And I’ve used a save script before. : )

While I work on a launcher, is there anything anyone wants to change?

Update look at first post. Added a score, the lower the better!! My high score is-
1 lvl 170
2 lvl 612
3 lvl 693
4 lvl 1264
5 lvl 364

There is an actuator for the game engine that can open up completely different blend files


Yeah, I know but then I would have to constantly update for each new map pack.

I’ve been with blender a long time.

point taken

I hope I didn’t offend you. This is like a problem that the “blender city” thread had. I don’t think they ever figured it out.

I’m not offended. just never thought of that. By the way what is blender city.

There is a script that checks for a .blend in an exe file and then loads it. It may not be what you are lookin for though. Ask blendenzo for it.

Using python, you could easily scan a folder for a list of files (map pack blends) and display them on the screen. The user could select one, and you can just put the name of that blend file into the start new game actuator.

Thanks TheSambassador, do you know how to do this?

Blender Life, almost got the name right:)

I think I will work on the menu’s and then call this game finished.

I can help with the menu if you want. I do my own Menu, textures etc.on the Gimp. here is one of my latest menus


That would be great, thanks. Any ideas? I was thinking of outer space, with a planet or a moon? But the game doesn’t have anything to do with planets, maybe I could also improve the games graphics:confused:.