Grease Pencil 2.8, lineart color changes when rendering with EEVEE

Hi, friends ! There is something very weird happening with EEVEE render. i’m trying to render a scene where some greasepencil objects are drawn over pure white objects and background. As if it was on paper. On the preview, in render shading or whatever, the dark and light colors are showing correcty. Now when rendering, only the dark strokes “survives”, and the light ones seems to melt in the white background. I made some test with darker background, and the result is that then light strokes didn’t disappear, but their color in rendering became darker. It seems like there is an “ambiant” light somewhere, that turns all my white textures into light or shadows.
The test was made with diffuse textures, emission textures, and background textures for my white objects. The rendering result always affects the lighter colors in the grease pencil objects. I tryed to manipulate the strength of the emission textures, and to have a pure white color i need to put a very high strengh on them, and the result is that the grease pencil object is even more affected :frowning:
I emoved all lights in the scene and deactivated ambient occlusion. Is there something else in EEVEE that could affect the global lighting of the scene?

Captures attached ! (i hope it works, i’m a complete noob on this forum)
Thanks so much for your attention !

I think it is known by devs that strength may not be similar in viewport and render.
I think it is an issue relative to strokes opacity.
OK, material color is with alpha set to 1. But it does not change the fact that brushes used while drawing strokes are setting them a strength, an extra opacity layer.

You probably had drawn strokes with a brush that did not have its strength at its maximum.

Adding an opacity modifier to the Grease Pencil object with a factor higher than 1 should help to have strokes more visible at render.

For overall problem of color, maybe it is related to color management.

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Thanks ! yeah, the effect seems to be even more visible on “soft” brushes like pen or pencil. The ink brush seems to keep it’s strength when rendering.
There is still a little color shift though, for example it’s hard to get a pure white ink in the render, in some circumstances. Well, it’s still in alpha release so, i will deal with it :slight_smile:

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I am also having this issue. Here are some screenshots:


Render with open GL (Workbench) mode. With Eevee it gets even more transparent.

This is only a animatic though, so it won’t be much of a problem. But I will keep teaking here, if I get some conclusions I will put here later. And if yo solved it, please let us know! haha :smile:

I think I’ve found a solution to this.

According to this link

The default for rendering ends up being “Filmic” in Render Settings > Colour Management.
If you set it to “Default” everything becomes more clearly saturated and matches the viewport much more accurately.

With Filmic:

With Default (Have to manually set):


Thanks ! seems better !

was this ever solved with new versions?
i still get a dark grey when i render (Cycles) a GP stroke with white color… even with setting the color management to Standard/Default. i’m using 2.91. kinda tried everything, the opacity modifier, using different brushes… nothing.