Grease Pencil animation stress test

This video was created using Blender Grease Pencil as a stress test to see it’s capabilities. All backgrounds, assets and characters were recreated in Grease pencil. We used Vanilla Blender 2.9X for this example. We updated Blender when newer releases came out.


Perfect in his style! :ok_hand: Good job! :+1:

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perfect! Love this style.

Can you compare the workflow of other software (e.g. Harmony) with Blender? Do you think grease pencil is capable of larger projects?

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I guess this is a question for Always_learning and not for me?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I am just a fan, not the expert :grin:

Personally, I don’t find Grease Pencil that easy to learn. I made some effort last year, but for me it was disappointing. Not intuitive enough for me and the amount of work scared me off.
But I see that others do get results with it. So, who am I? I’m not the expert who can answer this for you in a meaningful way… Others can do this much better. Always_learning himself for example. :slightly_smiling_face:



yes, but thanks for the answer anyway. :slight_smile:


IMO there is a lot of potential for grease pencil. There are some things lacking in grease pencil at the moment. Right now is the perfect time to chime in on grease pencil development as the dev’s are quite open to feedback and suggestion.

Grease pencil is being heavily developed right now. A lot has changed since the 2.8 release of Blender. There is more to come. To be clear I’m not a dev I just stay close to the grease pencil development and subscribe to there bug report forum.

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How much time did that take you to do?
Would you mind talking about how you did at least one character?

I am a teacher and every year I have one or two students who have the skills to really do something with Grease Pencil. As a mainly 3D guy, I gotta lot to learn! I looked at your example and groaned, “HOW…do you get the characters…how much time… sheesh.”
You obviously work in a cartooning environment. I thought the work was cool. Great topic and a nice way to cover it.