Grease Pencil Appearing Ontop of an Image

I’m trying to get a png image to appear ontop of my grease pencil layer, but although it’s in front of the grease pencil it appears as if it’s above it. I’ve tried changing the image’s blend mode to alpha clip but it turns it invisible. What can I do to make it work?

^ This is how I’ve layed it out but when rendering or looking at it from the Camera’s POV the grease pencil appears in front of the PNG image.

Any help would be amazing! Thank you

I think importing image as plane and not as reference should work.

The image was already imported as a plane.

Then bringing the plane closer to the camera than the stroke should hide the latter with alpha clip as blending mode, works for me in blender 3.6

Also z pass in view layer must be selected. Without it grease pencil will render in front, I forgot about it.

I’ve activated Z in the view layer + put the image in front of the grease pencil layer but for some reason when changing the background to alpha clip it makes the image disappear. The only setting of background that keeps the image as it should look like is: Alpha Blend.

I believe the alpha clip isn’t working because it’s an transparent image, for it works on the background image just not the foreground image

Under blend mode clip threshhold is 0.500 by default, if you set it to 1 the image disappears, i tried with transparent png and it works.

Thank you! That has solved the problem of putting the image in front of the grease pencil, however now the image is no longer transparent and I’m unsure what to do for that.

I am sorry for that, i do not know any way to use alpha map of the image no matter the format, i am afraid that all you can is clip everything with alpha over zero.

Ah that’s okay- thank you for the help! I’ll probably mark this as solved and post a new thread around the new issue. Thank you!