Grease Pencil - do closed shapes exist?

I know about the little ‘fill’ property in the material section. Its not what I ask about.
There is a simple method to see its not truly a closed shape. This brush reveals …
Sculpt Mode // Smooth Brush
If you use this brush, beginning and end of a shape will discance and create sharp corners (kind of a crack).

Is there a hidden option to get truly closed grease pencil strokes?

Thank you for your time.

Tried different things. Includes merging end point to first point in a stroke (Stroke // Close). Looks like closed shape, but it does not behave that way if smoothed. Perhaps, closed shapes exist, but there is a bug in the smooth operator?

– Edit –
Puzzling. Subdivision does not smooth out connected end points of a stroke too.

exactly my problem too

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I am glad someone cares.

It would be nice if there is an option to make operators (like subdivision and smooth) preserve ring shapes.

i also asked this question on blender stackexchange . here it is . nobody answered yet .

Mh … I did not saw your question. Not sure about Matt’s hint to use smooth brush, this wont work. Smoothing breaks circular shapes.

I guess Grease Pencil is founded on strokes. Each stroke has a beginning and an end. But, for circular shapes this is a problem. Subdivision and Smoothing immediately breaks a circular shape. From a technical view this might be ‘correct behaviour’, but from an artistical view it is rather an incomplete tool, if there is no option to preserve circular shapes.

this is the only blender’s weak point. it is sometimes behind global standards.

strokes must have closing ability . look at SVG editors like inkscape . i wish some day we have a full svg like editor in blender for grease pencil.

i’m not saying grease pencil is bad , but grease pencil is just a subset of SVG , and SVG can include it . SVG is more standard and globally accepted and used. it is a web standard.

just like .glTF export format which is becoming global standard.

The problem goes deep …
I tested different functionalities.

A list of operators or modifiers which create artifacts on endpoints of cyclic strokes.


Oblect mode, operators

Noise creates spike on end points
Multiple Strokes (Negative Offset)

Edit mode

Extrude (xyz)
Radius (inconsistency on endpoints)
Subdivide (with Smooth active)

Sculpt Mode

Thickness (inconsistency on endpoints)
Randomize creates spike on endpoints