Grease Pencil Reframe Keys On 2s


I’m trying to work out if there’s an easy way to reframe all my keys/selected keys to be on 2s. Let’s say I’ve animated a sequence in grease pencil on 1s but need a section to be on 2s is there a way to select a bunch of keys and make them have an empty space between them?
Hopefully that makes sense. Also I know a good amount of python but never applied it to Blender so I’m curious if something like this would be possible with a script?


Put the frame indicator (blue line) on the first keyframe to the left of those you want to change. The blue line is the basis point for timeline scaling. Select the relevant keyframes and scale by 2 (s 2 Enter). Done.
Remember to move frames to the right out the way first.

This is a good solution. Would be great to be able to do that without rearranging the timeline first!

One day…
Yes, having the other keyframes shuffle over without scaling is something people have been asking for for years…