Great Planes Of WW3 - Oval Office Scene

A still from the next episode of my animated microseries, “Great Planes of WW3,” with added speech bubble to create a comic to celebrate impeachment. And, if you’re a Trumpist, sorry not sorry.


I agree with you, I’ve been watching Jimmy Kimmel and, it’s pretty wild - - they’re saying he’s almost a criminal - -

I’ve never heard tv hosts call a Politician worse things, than Donald Trump, Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, They say he’s a Criminal, Almost - - Idk, Bush was bad, Trump seems incoherent, and always calling people names, even Big people, Important people - -

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The real problem is getting his hair right, in 3D, it’s so strange, I don’t think any-one has ever modelled that, in a 3D model, Except on aliens, Idk - - you could make a Mcdonalds flag behind him too, Idk - -

Truth be told, Donald Trump scares me, every-one knows the election was wrong, the Russians interfered but, no - one cares, it’s like America knows D. Trump isn’t the ’ Right ’ president, but there’s no public outrage . . If he won by 50.3 %, I’m not sure, and Russia interfered, in his favor, he might not be the real president, but I’m not sure, if that’s true then he’s a dictator, For money - -

I also think there are questions relating to, should a man who is so incredibly rich, he doesn’t have to care about anything or, any - one be allowed to become a politician, I mean he’s so removed from ordinary people’s lives, how is he supposed to understand or, really care about people like that, and he’s firing people left and right, when they expose him, or reveal secrets, or want to perform legal investigations into what’s happened, he’s fired head of FBI I think, various ministers, in the white house . .

But this is not a political forum, I just want to say as some-one looking from the outside, it’s rather disturbing to see D. Trump act the way he does, In the media - - $ We’d all sleep better at night, if some-one better took over . . Based on what I’ve seen, he’s a bad man and, a Poor president, he just makes things worse, Starts trade-wars that hurt America and, destabilize international relations . .

I don’t really like or, care about politics, I think they’re boring but, D. Trump seems to have crossed the line, For some reason - - he Scares me - -

an idea for a caption : " I was getting impeached so I killed the leader of ISIS, to appear strong, before the hearings - - $

I really like the image, when I click it, it’s super-well done - - Good job

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Hey, thank you so much for all the great input.
Yeah, you’re right about the hair. It was hard to do, and I don’t really ever feel like I’ve gotten the hair right. But to do Trump’s hair right, you’d have to do it more like cotton candy or something. He doesn’t have real hair. It’s more like some sort of cellophane. I think his hair was specially created in labs of Willy Wonka.
At any rate, I grew up during the Cold War. There were many great political films shot during the Cold War, and they all focus on the paranoia and fear that was rampant during the time. We were certain we would all be melted by nukes at any moment with a five minute warning, if that. There were spies everywhere. There was a couple named the Rosenbergs. They were atomic scientists. They were accused of spying for the Russians. I don’t know if they were actually Russian spies or not. But they were both hanged.
There was a great movie called “The Manchurian Candidate,” starring Frank Sinatra. It was about a Russian agent who was about to be elected President. That was a far-fetched, nearly sci-fi idea at the time, but it made for a great film.
I remember when the Berlin Wall fell, and the Soviet Union crumbled into bits and exited from history. Everyone assumed we would just live on, that we would have world peace, that the Cold War was over. That there would be no nuclear war.
Me, I’m a bit like Sarah Connor. The fear of dying in a nuclear war got so deeply into me as a kid, that it never really left me. When the Wall fell, I remember feeling that it was all so unreal. I honestly didn’t believe it was happening. I didn’t really believe they would get rid of the 70,000 nuclear weapons that the Soviet Union and the West had aimed at each other on a hair trigger. It took me over a decade to relax and stop worrying about the Bomb.
And just about that time, Vladimir Putin, the KGB spymaster, became the President of Russia.
Movies like “Wargames,” “Failsafe,” “Dr. Strangelove (Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the Bomb)”, and “The Manchurian Candidate” are all films that I have been rewatching a lot of late. And they have informed my work on my new microseries, “Great Planes of WW3”
So, I agree with you. Not only do I think Donald Trump is a criminal.
But I have felt utterly certain, since the moment that he came down the golden escalator, that Donald Trump is a Russian Agent bent on the destruction of NATO, the West, and the United States, just as his spymaster Putin would have it.

I have some big news for you, I’m from Denmark, we were in Iraq, with America . . After that war I had a sort of spiritual breakdown, a PTSD reaction, even though I only provided health care to the soldiers, when they got back, I was never over there . . I analyzed it, and I realized the war had made me scared and, sad, it began mid 2013, and it’s still there, many Danes are super - depressed, Anxious . .

it’s something called collective guilt, where one gets toxic guilt, from either supporting an illegal war or, not doing enough to stop it . . I’m a buddhist student, going back 20 years, with an interest in catholic saints, I figured it out . . G. Bush damned us all, to annihilation, and the only thing to do is, a. repent and, b. demand justice, from the real criminals, our guilty leaders - - there’s two brilliant movies you could see, one is called ’ Shock and Awe ', about reporters that expose the war, the second is new, called ’ Official Secrets ', it’s available online, I think - -

Here’s how guilt affects you, in Buddhist description - -

And, here a map of how guilt sort of affects an entire society, when it doesn’t stop it’s own war - crimes - -

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Here are a few pictures of the PTSD I experienced after Iraq, it nearly killed me, I was so scared, people were coming to kill me, I stopped functioning, foreigners scared me especially, like they were here as illegal invaders, to kill us, in Denmark . . That fear comes from us committing our own illegal invasion, the only thing that helps is to a. demand justice, from the criminals, and b. repenting, of ones nation ’ s sins - -


I’ve made a few youtube videos about it :

To save my own soul, I mediated on what healed, I found a. demanding harsh justice, from the war - criminals in our own countries was important and, b. repenting and, abhorring my own nations sins . . I’m extremely angry about it, I always trusted my government, and didn’t think they’d lie, or even kill people . . I’ve been mistaken, that much I know . .

I’m not really a Christian, I’m mostly a buddhist, I just meditated on how the war made me feel, inside, and made those images . . That was how the war affected me, and it’s still not gone, as of writing, in Denmark - - I invented a cure, that healed me, it just requires a rosary, and an angry pen, demanding explanations about what happened, over there, what they lied about, the Dirty war, that we still don’t understand, Not really - - The greatest pain I’ve ever felt, has been that war, what it did to me, my friends, some have actually suicided, after it, over here in Denmark, Sorry - - So, the more I read about it, the more I learn it was a disaster, and buddhist teachings predict something like this, but it’s in some very old books, recently translated by monks, on-line - - it’s what Christians call ’ the wrath of God ', when This happens - -

But, I’m a buddhist, I don’t really believe in that, but as a Buddhist I believe in bad karma, which can affect individuals, groups or, even nations, as a whole . . It’s an old teaching, that few know, and one has to be able to read Pali to understand it completely - -

The politicians fucked up, the war was bad karma, and we all got sucked into it, over here in Denmark, Sadly - -

You could say we have had a guilt - plague, sort of, a spiritual, and moral decline, of the soul, that has hurt us, a lot, and probably will be with us for many years, Perhaps decades . . I know how to fix it, but I have a psychiatric diagnosis, in part because of the war, so I’m stuck in psychiatry, with their drugs, not many options . .

I don’t think Trump is a Russian spy-master, but I do think Russia has a lot of power, over Trump, after they helped him win, and can expose him . . I think Trump wants America to be very republican, or capitalist, and every-thing he does is about a. big business and, b. making money, No Matter what - - I think that’s his Agenda and, watching FOX News, All day - -

I don’t like him, he seems incoherent, I want a sane man at the front of America, some-one who can steer it well, into port - - $

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@moderators this is getting way too political

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I’m so sorry to hear about the pain and despair you’ve been afflicted with since your military experience. Honestly, I’m very sorry you were involved. I feel especially bad when when I hear that someone from another country, and american ally, had to go. I’ve always felt that americans should know better but don’t because america is filled with blockheads. But, when it’s a Canadian, an Englishman, a German, I always feel especially depressed about it. But you’re a Dane. That makes me ever more depressed, for some reason. I remember when we were being sold that war. The whole thing freaked me out so bad I ended up in a hospital. Again, like Sarah Connor from the Terminator. I seem to have this terrible flaw that makes me see things before they happen.
However: as a medical practitioner in a warzone, you being there meant that there were people who were healed, their lives were saved, because you helped them. The work of people like you is heroic. Please stop inflicting this guilt on yourself. You deserve none of it. You helped the hurt and injured and dying when they needed help the most. You deserve no blame at all. You deserve gratitude from all.
In my family history I have an ancestor who was a nurse during the American Civil War. She was from the North, but she saved people from the North and the South during those horrid battles. I feel a bit of hero worship for her. I know I could never be brave enough to fill her shoes, or to live up to such a legend. You deserve that same kind of honor and admiration. You are a hero. A savior. You are blameless. Please let go of the guilt.
America deserves all the shame and guilt you are wrongly feeling. My government lied to the world, lied to people like you. Many americans knew it was happening, and we knew it would take us to a bad place. And yet we were powerless to stop it. We protested. We were arrested. We were called traitors. We ended up in hospitals. America is a sick nation filled with arrogantly stupid people who insist on being wrong and stupid. They voted for Trump.
People like you, our allies, deserve no blame. You deserve our eternal apology.

When I saw Colin Powell say there were WMD’s in Iraq, I just thought, All hell is gonna break lose, over this . . I still don’t know what really went on, my government doesn’t tell me every-thing, and the politicians made the press be quiet, in Denmark - - they protested, soldiers would feel bad if any news-paper said some-thing bad, about the war, so we never really knew what happened, at least I didn’t . . I don’t care much about politics, find it boring, but having had to bury two good friends, who committed suicide, clearly related to the war, changed me, made me wake up . . That’s when I knew something ’ not ’ right had happened, some-thing bad, and I started digging . . Apparently the UN said it was ’ illegal ', which I don’t know what means, can a war ever be legal, any - way - - Long story short, I went into a psychological tail - spin my-self, and got hospitalized . . I made some art in the hospital, because I felt God was angry at me, but I prayed my way out of it, and meditated, on peace, and good feelings - - I’ve been So angry - - My buddhist training, going back 15 years helped me find the best ways to ’ sort of ’ survive, though it’s still tough, I even invented a new rosary, to help, which is faster than normal one, I just focus on resenting my nation, during the five mysteries, and I find that makes me feel better, for a few hours, some-times 5 - 6, and I try to write to the politicians, the good ones, asking them for change, that this can never happen again - -

You need to understand this is dangerous, and save yourself - - I’ve made some Buddhist videos on my channel, about how to handle it, If you want - -

There’s a massive load of spiritual work, and repentance ahead, I was lucky I had spiritual training, because I learnt buddhism at some martial arts I did, so I was almost prepared but, without that, God knows what - - I invented a cure, for ones soul, in these pictures - - It helps . . there’s a way out, where it doesn’t hurt much, but it takes a strong commitment to justice, and also daily meditation, focusing on repenting and, hating my country for what was done, So hard - - But, I’ve survived, in as much as 4 - 5 years of my life has been hurt, can’t get back . . If you want to make me happy, practice the cure, do your best, to survive - -

That’s how I knew some-thing was wrong, I was sitting in meditation, feeling calm, doing Buddhist stuff, suddenly my spirit sort of caved in, and I felt I was sent to Hell . . Done’s done, but we can make it better, if we do the right thing . . a. That means seeking justice actively, where it’s possible, writing politicians, demanding answers and, b. repenting those sins, hating ones country for the bad things it’s done, To find peace - -

I’ve talked about this cure to every-one I know, so don’t worry, it’s also free, but you need a rosary, or some buddhist prayer beads, they help the repenting part . . Now I know why it’s called mortal sin, it nearly killed me . . By God’s grace, we’ll be healed, as we pray, repent and, Seek His justice, which the politicians have cast aside, For God knows What reason - - Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you, I Should have done more, when I saw the UN Speech, Where he lied - - If you want to survive, watch the youtube videos I made, That’s how you live - -

Good luck, Stay well - -

I have been a buddhist for 20 years, about 10 years ago I started on Catholism, because a buddhist said I should find others, to share spiritual stuff with, no temples in Denmark, so I went there . .

I am not political, I don’t like it, boring and, dull - - but, having to watch people I love suffer, Motivated me - - I made a lot of art about it, and have tried to make some in Blender, that’s mostly why I’m here, I made some videos, where I exported things into game engine - -

Most of all I’m angry at the politicians, I normally stay away from what they do, I resent it, Don’t really want to do with it, but this is some-thing I can’t ignore, No Matter what - -

I’m Angry - – $ Furious

I use art, mostly made in 3D, to talk about, express how it felt, to remember and, Help others, as Much I can . .

Watching my sister go through this, Is Border-line unforgivable . . $

I want consequences, For this - - But, I will write the politicians, Take it There - -

What does homosexuality have to do with guilt?! :unamused:

It’s complicated . . I’m a buddhist meditation expert, going back 20 years also, a former engineer . . When the guilt hit, from the war, I mainly noticed anxiety, depression, and so on, in my mind . . But, there was a little bit homosexuality, as well, but only 5 - 10 % as intense, as the other feelings, which were really cripping . . Because, I’m an engineer and, try do describe things I experience as accurately as possible, I included it, but TO BE CLEAR, this is not what is normal homosexuality, which is some-thing one is born with, a consequence of genetic codes, and so on, which is also not some-thing wrong, it’s just the way it is, people that are homosexuals deserve support, and respect - -

I have often considered deleting it, to avoid political correct consequences, but I’m a scientist and, a scholar, and I view precision, and accuracy as very important, and decided to include it - - However, those feelings were only 5 - 10 % as intense, as the other four, and I consider it more like a minor thing, than significant . . In fact, I’ll make some charts where I delete it, as it could send the wrong message, some-thing I’ve thought a lot about, to be clear - - But, I also wanted to honestly talk about what happened, following the war, what guilt did, to me . . I have an condition, with crippling OCD where I have exaggerated honesty, every-thing has to be science, perfectly accurate, I have had that for the last 25 years, where I developed it after a punch in the head, after a physical head trauma, when I woke up I obsessively had to make every-thing honest, as much as I could . . But, I’ve also been worried about it, since I want to avoid this having negative consequences, for people with another orientation, since it’s not their fault or, blame - - my OCD makes it difficult for me not to be 100 % accurate, about every-thing I’ve experienced, I will delete it, Thank you - -

I deleted it and, Changed it - -

So, a main reason I have started to learn 3D software, is because I want to make illustrations, that can serve as art, and start a debate, about what is going on, in the world, Among people - -