Green Lantern Hal Jordan

Hello everyone

this is my Green Lantern / Hal Jordan 3D Model and i wanted to ask for feedback and criticism , please go ahead and leave your critique , i made this model as if it was made for a game so it’s lowpoly and the hair is hair cards (i wanted to train on that workflow)

i would love to know how i can improve , so you are free to roast my work as much as you like :slight_smile:

(made edits to the hair and the face)


Well, I actually like to roast… but I can’t do that here. Ha, ha, ha. :grin:
I think you did a great job!! Your Green Lantern looks super cool!


Wow , thanks alot , i appreciate the support :smile:

verts: 18.4k
tris : 33.4k
polys: 20.2k

GREAT WORK! You even picked the greatest Hero of all time! Have you done a Jessica Cruz model?

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Thanks a lot :slight_smile: . i haven’t done jessica cruz no , maybe in the future ill do john stewart or jessica cruz :smiley: