Gremlin WIP

I am still working on the sculpting and I will probably upload another video here in the next day or two once i am happy with the preliminary sculpting before I Retopo.


Nice work. Shape and proportion look spot on. I have been wanting to attempt one of these guys for a while, but I have only messed with the sculpting tools enough to make something that looks like a booger :slight_smile:

Worked on the eyes last night to give them a glossy feel, also sculpted some more detail. Probably another evening or two before I can get enough detail to be happy with retopo’ing.

Progress is a little slow, but managed to finish all the dynamic topology sculpting. Now onto retopologize!!! Comments or critiques?

Even at my age, I still find Gremlins a lot of fun, I can’t wait to see some Gremlin Havoc :slight_smile:

Hey Jachristie you’ve done great progress on it. Keep it up.
As a suggestion, maybe an ear lacking a small piece.:wink:

@CCTrevis Not sure what you mean by the ear is lacking a small piece. I will be detailing with a multires pass later on after i get the rigging done and the retopo done.

Oh… ok, now I see it, both ears :smiley:
Keep it up man.