Grid Fill doesn't work like expected

I try to follow this video which constructs a Gyroid Minimal Surface in Blender 2.78 (unfortunately without sound, so one has to guess what options to pick).

Basically it takes a cube, removes the three front faces (including edges and vertex), then removing the three remaining faces (keeping the edges and vertices), then subdividing the edges, deforming them and then using “Grid Fill”, to put three faces back in. And since all the edges have been subdivided equally, “Grid Fill” produces a grid of faces, like in the picture below (taken from the video).

But when I try to follow this video in Blender 2.81 and want to “Grid Fill” like in the video, it’s not producing a grid, some vertices have been left out and the new inside edges are not parallel to the outside edges. Changing the “Span” in the Grid Fill Options change the look of the new faces, but it never looks like a grid like in the video.

How can I achieve the behavior from the video? What did I do wrong? Or did they change the way “Grid Fill” works from Blender 2.78 to Blender 2.81?

Did you use “L” in edit mode to select the outer vertice on each section before Grid Fill?
Upper Left unit looks like it is folded over as if one of the curves was pulled the wrong way


Does it matter in which direction the curves are pulled for the “Grid Fill” function?

I pressed the Alt key and selected one edge to select all four edges of one side of the former cube.

It shouldn’t but in your pix it looks like the first face, is folded and connected to the second some- how…

Here is a Blend File…2.82 Up to this point…Gyroid.blend (544.0 KB)

I can also tell you that there were problems in the next section after this when I continued with the tutorial…I’ll work on it as you go and maybe we can get it done…

I don’t know what I did differently, but in one of the following attempts (I didn’t count) it did work like in the video mentioned above. So, the problem has been solved.

I could follow the video until I got one single gyroid, but now I have another question regarding “Shade Smooth”, but I’ll open up another question for that.

Thank you.