Group Node - Default Vector Input?

Material nodes with vector inputs have a default for those inputs (usually Generated, sometimes UV or Object). When I put together a Group Node it lets me set a default value for each of the inputs, but default value for the Vector input is three (XYZ) float fields. I can’t seem to set it to Generated or UV like other nodes have.

Without that the Group Node’s Vector input needs the output from a Texture Coordinate node (or such) to avoid being a useless single XYZ point. Which I’ll do if need be, and I have a reminder on the input’s Description. But if there’s a way to set the default to something useful like UV or Generated while still allowing it to function as vector inputs normally do? I’d like to know.

20240329_ShaderTestScene_011_scaletest.blend (2.7 MB)

You could make a switch node group to default to object cords (or generated if you want).

There could be a better way (no compare in vector math node) but this one seems to work.

I added up x,y and z to see if the result is 0, I put the absolute vector to make sure the values are not negative. So if the input is 0,0,0 it will use object cords, there could be a problem were the coordinates include 0,0,0 but for the moment it seems OK.

Your file with the node group (compressed!)

scaletest2.blend (497.9 KB)

I have had that problem too, I have saved the node-group in my assets!


IIRC this is more or less planned at least in geometry nodes, but I don’t think it’s there yet…
For now we have to stick with some hacks as @DNorman pointed out !

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Yep, does what I need – thanks oodles! :partying_face:

Edit > Preferences > Save & Load > Default To Compress File
checkbox has been ticked, again, and Preferences saved – thanks for reminding me. :confounded:

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