GroupPro, group instances made easy

It is step in right direction, but the workflow with group instances is still not smooth as it could be, eg in 2.8:

  • can’t edit group in place (you are always taken into group original position, rotation, but still better than 2.7 series , where you had to search for original group manually),
  • afaik, you still can’t bake groups instances into textures,
  • no way to make (sub)groups instances unique,
  • no way to split group into subgroups (make duplicate reals - always splits group with all nested subgroups into atomic object parts).
  • I do not see way to isolate edited group, or its parents like in GP. This helps a lot in complex scenes.
    It is hard to tell, how much work will go into developing Group instances in 2.8, maybe devs will address some of those issues.