Growing snowflake effect (Frozen)

Hi all! I made this in about hour and I want to render it, but i need help with materials of ground and snowflake itself… What can I do? Node setups are welcomed :smiley:

I tried to mixed translucency and glass shaders and add volume emision. I’ll post results when my computer will finish another render.

Here’s reference:

So, here are my renders with very first materials I gave them:

This one has emision floor, so it looks pretty nice:

That one is lighten by one lamp above it:

What can I do to make this parts invisible inside bigger part of snowflake?

cycles or internal?

quick smoke + change smoke to fire + change fire color to very low alpha and blue tones + tamper emission

is nice.

this is just camera clipping and halos + a wave

I haven’t using internal for looooong time. So yes, it’s cycles, and it’s based on scaling keyframes and shape keys.