Growing type animation (created by geometry nodes) is glitching when rendered

Hi all!

Firstly, I’m not 100% sure if this is the correct forum/ group so please re-direct me if so! :slight_smile:

I have created a procedural type growth animation within Blender, using a string of geometry nodes. The animations plays through as I want it to within Blender, the lines grow up and reveal the letter B smoothly. However, when I render out the animation as a png sequence and put it together in After effects, I get this glitchy growing animation which is not how it should look.

I’ve tried to work out if its something within my nodes setup that is causing this glitch when I render, but can’t seem to figure out anything. Wondering if anyone has an idea or some advice here?

Thanks for the help in advance! I’ve attached some screenshots of the node setup, as well as a link to the packaged Blender file and an example of the glitchy outcome for anyone who has some time to help :)))))

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I don’t even have the files yet, but in your first image you have a Fill Curve node, which sends the Output as a Mesh, and you plug into a Curve to Mesh Node… You are plugging a Mesh Into a Convert to mesh…
That is a problem…and gives you an error with the Info Flag in the Node…

I have the file now, but it doesn’t output anything…One of the Problems is you are extruding the mesh but you never fill the front face, Mesh to volume will not work if the mesh is not Manifold… so I don’t understand how you say it works on your end…

Are you sure you sent the correct file, and not an older file version?

… also it could be a Blender Version error, I tried with 4.1.1

Hmm super weird! Yeah I’m kind of new to this whole node setup thing, so thanks for the tips!

But yeah, it still works fine for me! Maybe like you said, it’s something to do with the Blender version, I’m using 3.5.1. I guess when I update to 4.1.1 I will see the error message that you’re seeing!

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 19.56.52

Yeah…something was wrong there, as I wasn’t getting any keyframes either…
I’ll have to look at it later I got to run to town. I do have 3.5 sitting around here so I’ll see what it does in there…

Amazing thanks so much for the help! keep me updated if you figure it out!

Sorry, got side-=tracked…
I looked at the file, and yes it worked in 3.5…
The problem you are having is due to the multiple glossy nodes and the fact you are adding them on top of a Glass Node and it is set to be slightly rough, there is no need to do that…all of that fights against the growth, since it is expanding and reflecting at the same time…

I see why you used it as it does add brightness to the edges of your growth, but that could also be done with a Principled BSDF, and tossing a clear coat on it…

Also your color selections…You have a Green over a Red…that is a problem in itself and it is called Chromostereopsis is a visual illusion whereby the impression of depth is conveyed in two-dimensional color images, usually of red–blue or red–green colors…

Also called “The Forbidden Colors”…

Red-green and yellow-blue are the so-called “forbidden colors.” Composed of pairs of hues whose light frequencies automatically cancel each other out in the human eye, they’re supposed to be impossible to see simultaneously. That’s why you get some flashing along the edges…compound that with the Glossy and Glass transparency…and BOOM it goes nuts…