GSoC 2019 LANPR Updates Here!

The LineArt modifier has been committed to master :partying_face:


The Blender NPR folks are going to be over the moon with this landing in the next LTS release. It took years and a major redesign to get this to the finish line, but it should be worth the effort.

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Not only, I’m waiting this also for 2D CAD purposes I have a few ideas about use it with Grease pencil features. :slight_smile:

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I don’t know much about the grease pencil workflow, but can we use this “LineArt” modifier to replace freestyle and/or the inverted hull technique in 3d, or is it only limited to 2d Grease pencil workflow ?

The goal of LineArt is to be an alternative to Freestyle.

The main difference is in the way to use it.

  • Result obtained by using Freestyle is a render.
    You are defining a Freestyle Line Style by using settings of corresponding panel or python scripting. You have a lot of settings and modifiers for that.
    Some are made to facilitate changes according to camera distance or mesh curvature. LineArt does not have equivalent.
    So, if you are used to line style creation, it can be quick to create some but render can be slow if scene is complicated.
  • Result obtained by using LineArt modifier is a modified Grease Pencil Object. You can directly see result in 3D Viewport.
    You are defining a line geometry by adding GP modifiers after this one. They have been mainly developed to modify in 3D space strokes drawn in a 2D plane. Problem is that GP geometry produced by LineArt corresponds to the opposite : strokes projected in 3D space on a 3D surface that are requiring style creation according to camera view plane.
    To influence a setting by distance with camera, you have to create a driver by yourself.
    But to influence a setting according to mesh surface, you have no way to do that.
    So, modifiers are not a lot helpful and most of line style aspect has to be done through GP materials or at compositing.
    LineArt can create intersections lines. What Freestyle is enable to do.
    Style creation is more painful or limited. But render is faster and can handle heavier scenes.
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If it can generate a simple “continuous” outline around the mesh, that should be more then enough for me (just a way for separating objects, that doesn’t take forever to compute or add lots of extra geometry).

If you want simple thing, LineArt can do it quickly.

You just have to go into Add menu > Grease Pencil> Scene Line Art or Collection Line Art.
Select created GPencil Object. Go to modifier tab and disable unwanted lines option like Crease option.
And you should be happy.


i tried “line art” today with the latest 3.0 build from

ok, the idea of how this modifier works is great! and sometimes it works nicely.

but is it just me or is this still way too unreliable? i get lots of missing lines,… after changing the camera angle a bit they appear/disappear,…

it is camera dependent
(Edit: maybe it’s not the right answer)

yes, i know that it only works in the active camera view. but i still have those problems.

Use the “Lock Camera to view” option (hit N to open the side panel, select “View”, click the “Lock Camera to View”, and hit N to close it) to better use it, and try again. LANPR is fast but somewhat unstable on certain cases, if you can report these with examples to the devs, they can try to fix it. Otherwise, unreported bugs never existed as usual :slight_smile: