GSoC 2019 LANPR Updates Here!

Sad to hear that…

That’s a bummer, but who knows, someone else may pick it up in a few years and update it.

Not all is lost there is still hope… :slight_smile: from fresh news

It still might need a redesign though (even if the results are sound).

In the review, William commented on how everything seemed very technical. You can’t just push a button and have lines pop onto the screen, it is just not artist-friendly in its current state.

Now I do not doubt that Yiming is a talented programmer as the demos showed the algorithms as robust, but a big part of 2.8 is ease of use and eliminating what remains of Blender’s past reputation in that.

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Amen to that Ace_Dragon. I am a devoted NPR Line Fan, and I even maintain the Win64 build, but I still find it non-intuitive, and certainly not artist-friendly, and it is ‘stuck’ at 2.83.2? I use Freestyle, still, but only after turning off the elements that ‘clog its’ brain’ such as Hair, Fur, Grass, Leaves, which makes it far less useful. LANPR needs a dedicated developer and a porting over of the Freestyle interface components. I even bought the Node Shader build on Gumroad, but find I can’t get what I want from it yet. Currently I will use a CryptoMatte pass, convert it to B/W and overlay for clean outlines, but no fill inner lines this way. At least one Developer, mentioned in the Notes that someone needs to pick up the Line Rendering quagmire. I would also welcome SVG line output, then converted to Grease Pencil for tweaking and editing. . . I’ll stop now . . .

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I asked for simplification during GSOC, too.
But that will never be as simple as pushing one button.

@xp8110 started with a realtime render engine in mind ; and he was pushed into direction of an automation of conversion into GP objects using collections. Both 2.8 features were in progress.
Main part of complexity was due to unfinished designs for GPO layers and collections management.

When he started, what he did was popular and recognized like faster and more intuitive than Freestyle.
You can not build a tool to define NPR rendering of chosen lines without precising any criteria of those lines.
You have to define if you want to render only visible lines, hidden ones, take into account intersections, render only silhouette or creases, how thick lines should be according to depth, etc…
If your tool does not do that, result will not differ from wireframe mode.

Actually there is some news. At last dev meeting Antonioya mentioned it (wasn’t in meeting notes since it’s not actually related to it). It isn’t considered a priority by BF devs, but Antonioya might consider working on it in some way. Here is screenshot of conversation (there wasn’t any public discussion about it after as far as I know)
UPD:Pablo Dobarro yesterday did some work on updating LANPR code for latest master, he wants to help merging it.


That’s also in the latest meeting notes.

Does anybody have the ‘skills’ to contact this Japanese source of this video, and/or Yiming Wu to see if this is the latest development, and how to get it into Blender NOW. I stumbled on this, but can’t seem to get any answers, due the Twitter communication limitations and language barriers. I mean, look at this video, particularly the first part.
I got a response from Yiming Wu, via Twitter, stating that this is an “old” build, but it is not on, I looked, and it has features that are yet to be ported to the most recent builds that I can generate with current libraries from Blender?? It says v2.80.39 on Screen, lower right corner.
and here is a Screen Shot I got, with the interface on the Right side. WOW.


Hello everyone,

So, I’ve recently downloaded LANPR and was just messing around with it because I wanted to make a project and I needed automatic outlining and inner lining. I soon realized that there’s little to no documentation on this. Yiming’s documentation briefly explains what the modules do but not how use them. All the videos on Youtube are just people showing their work but there nobody is explaining how they did it(except Paul’s video). I eventually figured it out how to properly use it but this brings me to this post. I made this LANPR render of the Soldier from TF2 and I was wondering if there was a better way to tune the inner lines(crease lines) besides using the the global Crease Threshold option. For example, I want to connect the boundaries of the Soldier’s chin or remove the extra line on the neck. Basically, I was wondering if there were more local controls that would allow me to get rid of these imperfections.

It is Chinese actually.(′▽`)

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News for who like me still waiting

#lanpr will soon to be on track :smiley:

Source? Context?

Probably from Twitter posting by Yiming Wu. He had said that he has been in communication with Blender Institute staff and is thinking to shift towards LANPR tying in with some of the Grease Pencil directions, to which I gave him a ‘thumbs up’ and congrats at being accepted in Grad School. He stated an intent to get the LANPR back on track, but gave no indication of time frames. I posted an ‘old build’ on, since I can’t build a current version without error. It works, version 2.80 Blender, with more features than more recent builds 2.83.2 that I was posting. I am hopeful, but news is ‘sketchy’ for the moment.


From the developer.

This is on Sebastian Parborg’s weekly report:


Had a meeting with Antonia and Yi Ming about LANPR after the dev meeting. After the meeting, we decided to get the GP team and Clement together for a bigger meeting to discuss how we should handle the live preview API wise. Yi Ming wrote a short report of what he will do now:


Progress is showing. I have posted repeated builds on and now an example of a work-around to create a “line only pass” by turning off the ‘visibility’ screen for the object and then taking a Screen Capture, and compositing it with the other passes that Blender can generate. Yiming Wu does know of the needs for a pass, and was interested in my work around as it demonstrated that it is being stored in a cache. It is not ‘stable’ in that any adjustments of the parameters makes it disappear, only to re-appear when the visibility is turned back on.
Also, it is now easier to setup, with a Collection choice for the GPencil Add.
Being able to see, just the lines is helpful, even it only for a temporary review.


In 2.79, Grease Pencil was scene data. So, GP layers were easy to render as exr passes.
Now, we have different amount of layers per object. That is probably the reason why we don’t have GP passes.

I think that Cycles UI should have a Grease Pencil filter in Filter panels like there are some for Environment, AO, Surfaces, Hair, Volumes.
We probably should have a GP Layers AOV subpanel for passes, too.

But currently, in master, we can move GP objects in another collection and only render this collection without problem.
Although Lineart object strokes are generated from a collection of objects disabled for render ; they should still stay visible at render instead of being erased.

Currently, strokes are erased by default.
But after today’s commits, after baking Line Art Strokes, GP object can be rendered alone.

So, we don’t have GP passes but we can set View Layers dedicated to Grease Pencil Line Art strokes.

Is lanpr still being added to blender?

There hasn’t been any activity since November 2020. I remember there being some discussion about its implementation into grease pencil:

It seems like a basic implementation was targeting 2.92 at some point, but since then has been moved from targeting 2.92 to ‘Short-Term-Scope’ (at least on the UI side).
So I guess it’s still happening but the schedule isn’t clear.