GTA game progress

ok so I wanted to create a GTA game
and so far this is what I have

as you can see in the second picture I have armatures (whitch im very proud of because
I had to wach a million videos on youtube to find out how to do it:D)

Im also am working on a flight simulator

so now you know what I do most of the day
sit back drink some sprite and develope games in blender

Wait. So you’re managing two team projects at the same time?

[INDENT]Wait. So you’re managing two team projects at the same time?

actully im managing three.

And why is that? Isn’t it better to focus on one thing until it is finished?

@Wouter trust me I really dont think my projects will ever get finished
and plus I get bored working on just one project so I multitask to make it more interesting

Great statement! Now no one will be interested. :frowning:

Dhaher, what I ment is my projects are to big and to complex to ever be accomplished by just one person.
when I said I get bored its my way of covering up that I get fustrated and confused. The reason why I go from one project to the next is something always stumps me and gets me mad and intill i eventuly quit

remember that platformer that I was working on. Well I scraped that because I couldent make the water wavy

I wish i could find a team or a person to help me accomplish my projects

I completely understand what you are saying.:yes: I have been using blender for about two years now and have faced those problems in my first few months. What I would recommend is that you work on small learning projects, which would not be a full game, but a small demo which would help you learn how to implement a certain feature.

If you go to youtube and look up “action game made in blender”, you will see a really blurry video of a blue guy running around in a grey terrain, which I made in my first year. That was a demo I created to learn how to use actions in the game engine, then the “REMAKE” is the demo I made to learn the basics of GLSL.

I hope this helps, and good luck on your projects!:wink:

thank you, I looked at your video and I was amazed Hey are you currently working on any projects?

I’m mainly working on Asteracers right now, and am planning my own game after I finish work on Asteracers. If you need help, feel free to PM me. I added you as friend. :slight_smile:

ok will do I uploaded a video on toutube but its processing right now the title is “first blender games”
whenyou have the time why wont you check it out:)

sure! just let me know the link and I’ll be sure to watch. :slight_smile:

my username is NoPainNoGain45
I have only one video posted so you cant miss it

cool. I’ll check it out and post a comment.

EDIT: Comment posted and added you as friend.

Do you only use blender to create games?

No. I use FPS Creator as well.

do you use any c++?

nope. I wanted to learn it but I couldn’t find a suitable website as a source of tutorials.

I could teach it to you if you still want to learn.

i’d like to learn as well
i was going to use Dark GDK, but the idea of creating a game without A GUI is a confusing concept to me