Guidance on Base Mesh

I’m working on a fictional character with human-like proportions, although still with a relatively human-like body.

I’m not a professional modeler, so I’m trying to plan out the topology and I’m wondering if someone can provide insights/advice on whether this is feasible or a good professional way to go about this:

My character has one torso/abs, one head, two arms, two leags, three fingers (including the thumb), three toes, no tail.

My plan is:

The torso is created from a 12-sided circle.
The arms and legs start from 8-sided circles, unattached initially
The fingers/toes start from 6-sided circles, unattached initially.

This way I can “plan out” the edge loops in a sense, but still get a reasonable degree of roundness and flexibility to create muscles and knuckles, or at least I hope.
Blender Example.blend (1.7 MB)

Where it gets tricky is how I combine them and add in extra joint-like connections. The joints I’m going to watch a tutorial on separately because I’ve learned the hard way that ordinary loop joints don’t always bend well.

I attached the blend file of what I’ve done so far so people can offer advice, I’m concerned that the shoulders won’t look like good shoulders. I did a tutorial on other animals and the past and other people tend to just “extrude” from the torso to create arms and legs, but I get all kinds of odd shapes that I don’t know how to manage when I do that.

Also, I tend to get “sharp” corners and angles, like when I combine the edge loop of the shoulder with the closets 8-sided edge loop of the torso, I get a massive quad that you can tell has a sudden change. How do I round that out topoloogy-wise?

It seems difficult for me to offer my opinion.
You can get a sample of human modeling in the link below.
Please refer to that. I think it will be helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I already looked at those demo files but they are too high-poly for the base mesh I’m trying to start with.

You simply may use any absolute beginners…

…or low poly human tutorials…

( not necessarily the best choices :wink:)… and adapt it to your “special” topology.

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Check this tutorial, it will help you to understand how to start with base mesh:

Hope it will be useful:D

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However, you don’t have to use those as the actual base mesh.

My advice, is to take one of those sample Blender meshes and hard reshape it to pretty much fit the character you have in mind (based on your reference images, you have reference images/concept designs right?)

If not, then close Blender RIGHT NOW, I mean it, shut it down, I’ll wait…

For a good guide on making a good guide, try this:

So, now add the front and side reference images, drop in the best Blender base mesh that matches and scale, delete (fingers, etc) and push/pull vertices (can even use sculpt mode if you like) till it matches the basic form and proportions of your character.

The topology, mesh density, etc doesn’t matter at all, since in the end you won’t be using that mesh anyway.

Now, use the annotate with Surface Placement and actually draw out and plan you topology. You can erase any bits that don’t end up working and in the worse case, even make a new annotate layer and go over it again.

Make no mistake, this will take a bit of time, but it’s easier to work out drawing lines, then trying to work it all out while actually modelling at the same time.

Here’s an example of what I did while recently rebuilding my base character mesh. Yes, the face is from those free Blender meshes.

I’m starting to document all this on my Youtube channel ( but only have an initial Elbow topology video up so far. The above is basically a preview of what will be in the next video.

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I appreciate people’s responses, I have another idea though because none of these are quite what I’m looking for, so I’m going to have to experiment a bit on my own.

In tutorials, sometimes there are reference images of a side view and top view. I’ve had a hard time tracking down a collection of reference images for a person, or fictional creatures, is there something like what’s in those videos that I can download?

Take a look at the Visual Library section.

*Reading the previous posts, I’m not sure I understand what you’re looking for so my link may not be relevant.

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