Guilty Gear shading on Blender 2.80 Eevee viewport

Hi. As you know I am an ex-Softimage user. I came to blender drawn by a post by Yadoob in 2015. That was the year of Softimage’s end of life. I thought in that moment: If Blender can do this kind of toon shading, I´m in.
So here’s me, giving back to the community: the Guilty Gear Shading (full breakdown on the 40 minute video on gumroad) in Blender 2.8 eevee viewport version:



Great stuff, I was always fascinated with Guilty Gear Xrd cell shading :+1:

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Thank you for your support in sharing and commenting!
Is all the content in the video presented in a clear concise structure?
Any questions? Just ask, I´ll respond. :slight_smile:
Best regards.

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thanks for sharing, will take a look soon and give you a feedback about the content : )

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Just downloaded the zip last night, haven’t had the pleasure of watching just yet. I will chime in once I do though!

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Thank you! And please, send questions this way :smiley: I´ll be glad to answer them all. Cheers.

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Thanks! This was a much needed video since now there are only a bunch of people who can explain what is going on in the Softimage presentation on GDC 2015. And I wanted to port all of that (and more) into the current Blender version. A Joy!