Guitar: flame

I was looking all these cool guitars that these guys have done and I thought that I have to do one myself, as a guitar fanatic that I am:D

I went for personal look and not so much of a real model replicate, so hope you like it, and please tell me what you think :smiley:


yeah thats really cool!

Heres the guitar in a littlebit better scene, gives it the right mood :cool:

c&c always welcome


Whoa! thats really nice!

really cool, nice modelling… can we se some wires and pipes? :stuck_out_tongue:

Only suggestion is to maybe ‘dirty up’ the guitar a little, like add a scratch or something

First of all thanks all for replies…

heres some wires from the guitar body without subsurf or anything, dunno what you mean with pipes :confused:

Yeah I know, my mesh is a mess :o

@new_neo: the texture of the body has some scratches and other kind of bumps in it, maby I should make them more visible, but its hard to see those details coz of the reflecting body…

I know I shouldnt be working on this anymore, coz its in the finished projects section and all, but heres an update anyways :o

Now its quite alot damaged and Iv added some stuff in the scene also…