Guy staring at monolithic Structure

This is the first time since forever I have had time for a personal project. Man, this was fun. :smiley:
I have allways been a sucker for these typical SciFi and fantasy concept art works and wanted to find out if I can do one myself in Blender.

The goal was to create everything procedurally and only use Blender, so that I would be able to recycle a lot of the work. Furthermore I wanted to get this typical concept art painterly style animatable.
The objects besides the Character are all created procedurally with geonodes. The geonodes setup then pipes a bunch of attributes into shader nodes where they are used to create a shader that automatically reacts to the goemetry.
The fog and mist is also made mainly in geonodes.

The character is made with the Blender addon HumanGenerator. I only added the hood on his head and the stick in his hand.

Compositing is also done in Blender.

Here the scene with out the Shaders.

And here the scene with geonodes turned off:


Nice work! Any more information you can share about the shaders and compositing?

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Thanks. :smiley:

Yeah, no problem. The shaders are kind of a mess at the moment but I will try to put something coherent together when the kids are in bed.


Cool stuff, man! Impressed that it’s all GeoNodes. I still haven’t figured out how to work with that from scratch.


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Ok, here is a short breakdown. This is for the Slab object. But the other objects, the ground, the path, the stairs work pretty much the same.
The stairs also have a second GN modifier that utilizes empties to create the broken parts. But I guess with Blender 4.3 you would probably use Gizmos instead of empties for that.

The outline of the workflow is like this:

  • Create Coordinates for GN as well as UVW Coordinates in GN
  • Make the larger Displacements in GN ( in this case mainly with a Voronoi Texture)
  • Create nearly identical Voronoi but with finer Variations in GN and pipe result as well as inputs as Attributes into Shader Nodes
  • In Shader nodes use the Coordinates from GN as well as the Attributes to create more Voronoi textures for more detail in Base Color, bump, SSS and so on.
  • In Shader Nodes add a couple of Dirt/Grime/Ice maps via AO and Noise textures and add them into the base texture

This is the GN setup. The Coordinates are mainly control the size of the Voronoi Cells and utilize the normals of the geometry to adjust the size. I probably should have used polar coordinates for the hole but it worked well enough for this project.

Here is the Shader: Most of the shader happens in the part titled Voronoi Remapping. Most of the other stuff ist just additional Dirt/Ice.1

Here is the remapping section mentioned above. You can see that the Large voronoi cells that are displaced in GN now got some color variations caused by higher roughness of the Shader Nodes Voronoi.

The next is just three AOs distorted with different kinds of noise to create the masks for dirt/ice:

And finally the last section are a two dirt maps made out of noise textures and some coordinate mashing:


Thank you! :smiley:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Awesome! :grinning:
Thank you.

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One of the images will be used by Habib Gahbiche at the Blender Conference Talk to demonstrate how the compositor works in the background. So if you are interested in the future of the compositor be sure not to miss it:


Wow, congratulations! How did you get that to happen?

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I got a PN from Habib asking to use it. I think it is pretty cool esspecially because it is for a talk that I find really interesting. I am really stoked about what has happened with the compositor and what is still happening. It has really come along way.

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:


Nice work! :+1::+1:

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Cool, Thank you! :smiley: