Gyes : RTG (Random Texture Generator)

RANDOM TEXTURE GENERATOR has been finished it offers now full integration with Random Material Generator and the History Tool, create amazing texture with a click of a button and also have complete control of the end result. Texture generation was never That Fast .

Gyes wiki page

RTG wiki page

Click the link to download gyes here

Have Fun !!!

Added randomisation for MAGIC ,MARBLE , MUSGRAVE and STUCCI . Tried a quick test with stucci randomisation, and this alien texture came up, not bad for 10 seconds effort .

very very cool.

Random Texture Generator has been finished , see the post for video tutorial of how to use rtg , rmg and history tool. Have fun.

I have added many texture types, fixed bugs and implemented the history too.

For does it good for are these randomly generated textures and materials? I usually need some specific one. Thanks for info.

at last there is a wiki for Gyes in blender wiki , no need to watch any more of my video tutorial that are easily outdated. Wiki is always kept current with the latest version of Gyes.

Gyes wiki page

RTG wiki page

Click the link to download gyes here

Have Fun !!!