H-10-44 Switcher Locomotive

Thanks! I’ll certainly try! And if the first effort doesn’t work, I’ll try again! =)

I was thinking about a simple road first, like Pennsylvania, which is simply a dark grayish paint with white letters spelling out “Pennsylvania” on the side. =D

Mmm, i think it needs a little more detail…

Great model!!!

+1 for more details :slight_smile:
This is awesome, can’t wait for texturing

Basic blocking of the color scheme. I’ve chosen Santa Fe as the railroad, simply because I was always a fan of Santa Fe. =)

Reference (not exactly the same body design, but the color scheme is what we’re going for):

And mine so far:



Nice modeling! BUT - DANGGGG - I’ve just seen the your vent covers (those rib-cage-like ones) are placed differently… :frowning: Sorry to mention this just now - I should have done it earlier :frowning: I counted generally three layouts of these (side view) but none is like at the model…

Coloring - better take brighter combination (not such dark) cause you’d need much stronger lighting to show details that exist anyway! You may also wish to arrange the lighting so that certain bright rays go directly towards cam position to show edges better - you may have seen that effect on dome of ref pics. :spin:

Coupling unit looks much better. You need to add the arc-shaped contour rod along the edge of the box, I think…

Pls use some metal textures for units under the body frame. Or at least put more shine on the paint to avoid the “plastic-look” effect. :cool:


Thanks for the advice! The lighting setup is really just temporary. I can readjust the lights. =)

As for the vents… darn… because… =(

I already uploaded the model to TS! Hopefully I sell some. =D

But at least I can modify my personal model and get it more like the prototype.

Thanks for the help. Gotta get cracking on the texturing!


Looks awesome, but omg how many polygons is in that ?

@ZeroPoint3d: 564,771. =D

Things have been a little crazy in real life lately, so I haven’t had much time to work on the project. =( But, here are some updates with the textures! =)

I actually cheated a little and modeled the text and numbers. UV mapping this thing is actually turning out to be a huge pain! =(

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. =)


The materials should all be matte, except for the windows, the handrails, and maybe the tank underneath.
The AO falloff distance needs to be 2-3x longer, and it’s effect should be stronger (darker, that is)
Try throwing in a hdri skymap, and use raytraced reflections for specularity.
It needs bump maps, for sure.
Try bringing the camera down to eye level, so it doesn’t look like a miniature.

That should kick the realism up a bit. :slight_smile:

edit: I should hope you know all that already though…

I knew some of it. =D

I’ve got to add some weathering for the body. That’ll look better, too! =)