I created this as part of a weekly challenge over on the Discord server of Clinton Jones. Theme was ‘Gates’
A Roman milecastle along Hadrian’s Wall. Everything modelled and textured by me in Blender and Substance Painter apart from a few assets which I will list below. I took some liberties with a few things. Anyone who knows where and what Hadrian’s Wall was will know that the sun is shining weirdly from the north. It just looked better.
Looks nice! I like the atmosphere.
I will allow myself to point out a few things I think are not good though.
It seems to me that the grass is out of scale. I think it should be smaller. Especially the flowers make it look really big.
Since it is a gate there would probably a path with grass barely growing on it. Now it kinda looks like it has never been visited.
It was done for a weekly challenge so… just less than a week. It’s not as complicated as it looks. For example I only had to model one section of the walls and array it along a path.
Cheers. You can see a suggestion of that in the area leading out from the front of the milecastle to where the rider is. I should of course have done more on the near side of the gate. The building and walls are modelled to real world scale. I used Graswald for the grass and flowers, which again… should be real world scale.