Hadrian's Wall milecastle

I created this as part of a weekly challenge over on the Discord server of Clinton Jones. Theme was ‘Gates’

A Roman milecastle along Hadrian’s Wall. Everything modelled and textured by me in Blender and Substance Painter apart from a few assets which I will list below. I took some liberties with a few things. Anyone who knows where and what Hadrian’s Wall was will know that the sun is shining weirdly from the north. It just looked better.

Steam (used as smoke) and crows by Mr Hubert. Affordable Roman soldier purchased from CGTrader. “Warrior on horseback - free - 3d-printable” (https://skfb.ly/6SNNK) by Andy woodhead is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). “German Great Dane” (https://skfb.ly/6WPDI) by sujirour is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

I used Graswald of course and some nice OpenVDB clouds to help break up the sunshine from the HDRI (HDRI Haven)


How long did it take to make that? I ask because it looks like a lot of work.

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Looks nice! I like the atmosphere.
I will allow myself to point out a few things I think are not good though.
It seems to me that the grass is out of scale. I think it should be smaller. Especially the flowers make it look really big.
Since it is a gate there would probably a path with grass barely growing on it. Now it kinda looks like it has never been visited.

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It was done for a weekly challenge so… just less than a week. It’s not as complicated as it looks. For example I only had to model one section of the walls and array it along a path.

Cheers. You can see a suggestion of that in the area leading out from the front of the milecastle to where the rider is. I should of course have done more on the near side of the gate. The building and walls are modelled to real world scale. I used Graswald for the grass and flowers, which again… should be real world scale.

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made this castle wall generator some time ago. Could´ve been useful as well :smiley: although its lagging booleon / doorway features so not so agile yet.

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