hair doesnt move with mesh bone

when I parent the mesh with the bones and try to move the bones in pose mode, the particle hair dont move to the bone, is there any way to parent the hair with the bone?

Is the particle hair on a separate “scalp” mesh? I’ve found that for hairpieces (modeled wigs) they have to be parented to the armature-deformed mesh using “3 Vertices” parenting.

In Object mode, select your armatured mesh.
Tab into Edit mode and select three verts in the area you want your “scalp” to be.
Tab back into Object mode, select your “scalp” and then shift-select your armatured mesh.
Once more, tab back into Edit mode and hit <CTRL> P.

(There may be a quicker way to do this, but that’s the way I discovered through experimentation)


the particle hair is on the same mesh

Just move up your armature modifier in the stack.


thx its working

Work for me 9 years later, thk U!

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And work for me 10 years later <3 thnks


Moving it up the stack worked for me in Blender 2.9! :slight_smile: Thanks

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Worked for me 11 years and a month later too :blush:

It was that !, thank you