Hair Particle Edit "Mirror" operator doesn't work

I’ve been creating some eyelashes and eyebrows for a character and have tried using the Particle > Mirror operator (not to X Mirror toggle under “Keep”), but it doesn’t work no matter how. I’ve tried using it by selecting all the hair on one side, I also tried unselected, tried doing on a cube in a new file (cube > created hair > set amount to 0 particles > particle edit mode > draw on one side > mirror > nothing happens).

So, how is this supposed to work and what I’m doing wrong?

Thank you!

If you can manage it Id suggest making a floating plane of faces for the eyelashes that you could rig to the eye lid later, do the eyelashes on one side then duplicate the eyelashes and s x -1 making sure to have the mirror mode set to the middle of the models head. Particles currently is buggy so this l think will prevent you having to try to get it working on the large head. Hope this helps.

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