Hair Particles -> Objects-> no physics error

So I have a little problem, and when it comes to modelling Hairs in general there seems to be so many approaches as there are artists.

Now I want to make a hedgehog char. As you can see I have used the “old” hair system with particles and I used a reference to a simple object to replace the hair with quills. So far so good, but I want those quills to behave a bit more hairlike. Means, that they fall and bend and stuff. If I applie a physics thing, like cloth on the reference Object, the quills deform, but all turn into the same shape and it’s… not good.

So basicly I am stuck. The quills “arrange” when I animate, but they don’t bend. They are just sticks.
Any idea on how to fix that?

I am using the newest blender.

Ohh… a bit late… but the “hair object” does have some subdivision to be bendable ? Hmm actually haven’t doen this for a while… :thinking: … wasn’t this about using a cloth sim on the object to make them bendable because the hair dynamics does not bend objects but only strand of hair (* Rendered As: Path* ) ??

It could bend object if you use particle instancer modifier, then your object will follow the curvature.


Hair_mesh_Instance.blend (1.1 MB)

a little example with instanced meshes.

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Thinking about this… i beleive i didn’t used particle instancer yet… (!?)

Thanks… i learnt something today :grin: .

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it’s the methode we use for exporting hair cards in game engines.