Hair Physics

No, I haven’t touched the .blend at all

If i remember well, pixar used a special simulation for the curled hair, so each loop is simulated as a unit. This would be a solution to the ram problem, as you would need a lot less hair segments to simulate.

I figured out my RAM problem, I didn’t realize that when using b-spline hair it squares the number of segments that you put in, so I basically had 500k hairs with 144 segments each give or take.

I think PasteAll’s not working very well these days, it keeps giving me “Can’t Move File” errors.

@m9105826 - looks great! The hair sims were really stunning in Brave, and you seem to be getting something similar going on, which is seriously awesome. good luck!

Too bad that I read through all the text and hoped for the tutorial, but unfortunately you seem to be very busy at the moment…

me too :confused: :frowning:

So… after life threw me a few curve balls and other such excuses I’m sure none of you wish to hear, I have the first video in the series done and posted.

I still have some kinks to work out in my setup, but I hope you’ll forgive me as I settle in to this training role again and rewrite some of the hair tutorials to take the new Cycles hair patch into consideration. There may even be a big announcement for the whole series on the horizon, but I don’t want to promise anything before things are more set in stone. Anyway, let me know what you think. I’d love any feedback you all might have.

I just watched the video and I liked it. Its an in-depth explanation of every parameter, more than just a tutorial. You should put a link on the wiki, if it’s allowed. It really lacks information:

oooooo! really interested in seeing this. Will it be a commercial package or available on your YouTube Channel?

BTW – I see you are in Fairfax. I live in Maryland, but I work in Herndon, so we are in close proximity! :slight_smile:

Nice, I look forward to the next. In Particular any workarounds for collision.

sounds like my kind of tutorial,because i’m tired of the whole “click here,click here,i don’t really know what this does,but it worked so…” kind of tutorial.

wish someone would do an in depth cycles node tutorial like that.

I’ll watch it when I get home from work.

M9105826 Do you still have that blend you posted? I think it expired at pastall.

I’ll see if I can dig up the .blend when I get back on my main computer later today. Glad to hear that people are enjoying the tutorial so far! I have no problem with it being on the wiki, but I don’t currently have an account. If someone else wants to add it today, be my guest. I’ll get around to it later if not.

Does anybody know when a proper hair collision system will be integrated within blender?

Even many hair systems in more advanced packages don’t even have proper collision. I doubt we’ll see it in Blender any time soon.

is hair collision a difficult thing to program? is there any coder/programmer that has the skill to do such a thing?

Great tutorial!

I’ve learned a ton.

@nirmal Yes, hair collision is VERY difficult to program, and even when I’ve seen it implemented artists refused to use it because it was so slow to calculate. If Blender had an option to animate strand control points it wouldn’t be an issue really, but currently we can’t even do that. Thus the big problems with hair in Sintel. I’m sure there will be a workaround some day, and in an upcoming video I’ll show some nifty techniques using force fields and stuff, but for now there’s not a good, one size fits all solution to hair collisions in Blender.


Thanks! Glad to hear it. I feed off of your guys’ feedback, so keep it coming!