Hair Physics

I just realized that you’re the guy who did that awesome curly red hair test on Youtube. Finding some in-depth tutorials about Blender hair is quite difficult. So I really appreciate your tutorials and I hope you continue with that.

Now i am not at all a programmer or anything and don´t know much about that but i was a bit brainstorming about it, well with my intelligence its more like a gentle breeze in the brain actually. anyway about this hair collision, perhaps there could be a way to cheat in its programming. i will just throw in some random ideas that might not make any sense so be carefull reading this not slipping on my mental banana peals. anyway what is one is to parent the hair strand points to a a plane with a cloth modifier so that the hair strands follow the cloth which could per example be again parented to a human mesh around the neck for example. and when you then move the cloth the hair moves with it. or if that does not work in the programming world what about the shrinkwrap modifier perhaps one could reprogram the modifier in such a way that the shrinkwrap could be animated and that the hair particles are parented to the shrinkwrap object and that the shrinkwrap object wrapping around the solid objects and which can then be animated.

perhaps this does not make any sense, but again just trowing some ideas out there.

Part 2 is live! Enjoy.


Will look into it later. Thanks for your efforts Matt!

Glad to provide for the community! Part 3 is rendering out of Camtasia right now, and should be uploaded at some point tomorrow and covers material settings for Blender Internal. Part 4 will cover material settings with the new Cycles patch, and part 5 will get into creating complex hair systems made up of several particle systems. I plan on getting into hair dynamics after that, but don’t have a set “script”, if you will, that far ahead yet. I’m definitely open to suggestions as well, so let me know what you all want to see!

m9105826, you´re doing your community a great service! :smiley:

Part 3 is up and ready for Blenderhead consumption. Enjoy!

Damn you’re fast. Just watched the second part.
I’m not sure if it makes still a lot sense to look into the BI hair, since Cycles hair is obviously coming. But good to know anyways :slight_smile:

There will always be people who want to animate in BI, as it is still more feature complete. But as you’ll see in part three and part 4, there is a HUGE disparity in the amount of setup time needed for each.

Fair enough.
Can’t wait for the Cycles version tho :slight_smile:

Part 4 will be up Monday, then I think I’m going to settle into a more human schedule of two releases a week, one on Monday, one on Thursday. Maybe a little short tip at some other point in the week. Should help to keep my sanity intact as I attempt to balance real work and a life outside of 3D :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi everybody
I played a bit with hair particles today and I found out that you can get collision with the emitter and other meshes, here is how to set it up:

  1. add a UV Sphere
  2. add hair particle system and activate hair dinamics
  3. change in hair dynamics the vaul for collider friction to 1 (optionally change the internal friction to 1 too)
  4. go to physics tab and activate collision
  5. go to modifieres tab and move the collision modifierer above the particle system

It’s not perfect it still passes throu the colider but very slowly but these can be reduced more with a denser colider and changing the settings in the hair dynamics.

Also changing the cache step to 1 can help too.

Hope it can be usefull for you guys:)

Interesting solution! This works well with the emitter, but I haven’t gotten it to work with other objects yet.
Here’s a test using that technique:

Ok, I played a bit more and found that the most importand settings to get good physics are stiffness and bending.
Stiffness should be over 0, a vaul of 0.002 is a good starting point. Bending should be higer too, I got a good resuld with 1.2

Also quite importand is working in the right object scale. Blender physics calculation use 1bu as 1m. setting up a simulation of a cuple of meters sitze can get slow hair.

About collision with other objects, that should work too. You have to setup a collition object and ind the particle system of your hair you have to press “Free All Bakes” in the Cache section. After that if you press play or bake it should work.

awesome! would be cool to have full body as collider to see real collisions

Nice tutorials. I’m looking forward to the cycles one. Just watched the previous tutorials.

awesome! would be cool to have full body as collider to see real collisions

Well, I tried with a monkey head, but the hair kept going through the ears. I don’t think we can have “real collision”, can we?

what about parenting each hair to armatures attached to a rigid body chain? you could use the BGE to run through the scene, and capture the motion data/collisions of the chain, and use it to animate the armatures?

That’s a tremendous demonstration of what hair “can be like” within Blender. Did it require a bit of horsepower?
How long did it take to render the shot?