Hair Root is the Wrong End... (2.79)

Okay, so I’m using Hair Net.

I’m following this tutorial and I’ve gotten the braids to where I want them to be (yay!) but I’m stumped.

The roots are the wrong end. I assume that’s what he’s fixing in that timestamp there, but for some reason when I try to magnetize the ends I want the roots to be to the scalp, for some reason the vertices shoot off into the night sky never to be seen again :face_with_monocle:

I attach my .blend file, and pray for help because of all the things to stump me, why does it have to be this???

sam.blend (4.3 MB)

I don’t have this plug-in so was a bit lost…moving the root nodes…go into Particle Edit… ( you can have proportional editing on but it is easier with it turned off…set your selection to POINT select mode, and snapping to FACE Hit C select and pick top 3 vertices of a braid. (NOTE: they will all move as they are one GROUP… did not try UN-Groping them) with the 3 vertex within the circle hit G and move …different views will let you get them closer to where you want…and occasionally…bam off in space…Ctrl-z and try with the vertex OUT of the circle…6 of one /half-dozen of the other…It was a bit of trial and error on my part…Hope this helps!

Thanks, this helped, but it still doesn’t seem to want to swap which end the root is! Agh!


Don’t have experience with the script but the curves are oriented towards the scalp rather than away from the scalp, you can see this with the little arrows that follow the curve. If you go into edit mode on the curve and select the curves, right click, and select switch direction that might help.