Hair sculpt collision

Hi everyone :slight_smile: does anyone know why sculpt collision doesn’t work when I’m doing hair?


it should work from what I’ve understood

What I mean is that this exact function from the video You sent doesn’t work :confused: I have no idea why

try to reset your settings to default ones.


Or just re-install your Blender. Or try another version, 3.5 for example

In the video author shows it in Blender 3.4 and then 3.5, try those versions

It should work though

Try to increase your Strength to more higher value such as 3 or 5!

it works fine in 3.6, I have just tested it. Inrease the strength of your Comb tool to something like 3, 5 or higher


i tested it on simple subdiivided cube and it works but not on my project. I made human head and separated part of it to add hair. And collision does’t work on that part ://

May you share your blend file?