I would like to know if it’s possible that only one set of curves for hair can inherit of different materials from faces ?
I let you a screenshot to explain.
I know I can use a texture or 2 sets of curves, one for each color.
I would like to know if it’s possible that only one set of curves for hair can inherit of different materials from faces ?
I let you a screenshot to explain.
I know I can use a texture or 2 sets of curves, one for each color.
You mean you want to apply two different materials to the curves? Sort of like mix all them together?
or pick the curve material based on the spawn face material? (which would be useful)
Sorta, or even just apply a one material which would be consisting of two of them that’ll be mixed using one of them Color Ramp/Mix RGB/Mix Shader nodes.
That’s how you can apply a single material to your hairs. So you can try to just make a one material, add in there nodes from the first and the second one and then mix them up using Mix RGB node (if we talk just about colors and not image textures)
The last video is like having multiple set of curves. In my case, I would like to use 2 materials (or more) on one set of curves as if the pink and the white on the monkey was from a texture. Here, the white and pink are from materials assigned on faces.
How I’ve just said before, if those materials are just colors (made by using Color Ramps), you can try to make a new one material and mix all those colors together using MixRGB node.
But how you mix this colors together so the hair curve knows where pink and white are ?
What do you mean by saying “knows”? You want to control its position as well?
I have one set of hair curve as shown in the screenshot and I would like that the hairs generated above the pink part of Suzanne (1st material) becomes pink and those generated above the white part (2nd material) becomes white.
I ask this but maybe it’s impossible.
Oh, gotcha. It’s possible, but in this case you would need to use so-called vertex groups to achieve that, then you’ll get yourself two different curves’ groups (even know they’ll looks identically), after that, just apply a different material to each of them.
P.S. Bear in mind that I’m talking about old depricated particles’ system, not a new one called New Hair system
Yes I would like to use the new hair system ;).
Yeah, just have checked that one and didn’t find anything where you could’ve added a different (second) material to some of the other parts of your hairs. Sadly
@Manolo76 If you convert it to a mesh you can assign the material index, not sure if it currently works with curves directly aswell. Give it a try. Basically I sample the nearest material index here.
This is the mesh version with three simple testmaterials.
Thanks, it almost works. I guessed it could be done with Geometry Nodes but it’s far from my knowledge of them.
I wrote “almost” cause doing this, the fact using “Curve to Mesh” node makes me loosing the effect of “Set Hair Curve Profile” added with Quick Fur effect. I tried without using the “Curve to Mesh” but I have the error “Input geometry has unsupported type: Curve” for the “Set Material Index” node.
Not sure if I got you right, but it should still work with mesh conversion, just make sure the node group I posted is the last one in modifier stack. Their order can be changed by dragging.
I did it well and it works well you’re right. Sorry, it’s just me, the fact to redefine the Radius in the new Geometry Nodes modifier makes confusion to me. It looks a bit different without the last modifier as if the hairs were almost flat.
Yeah I think its just the setup. To get it more like in the lower image, take away the fill caps in the curve to mesh node and increase the circle resolution. The caps will make the main difference, as their normal and so their luminance is so different.
I know old particles system is a depricated one, but for you, in my opinion, it’s gonna be the fastest way to achieve what you want.
It’s not exactly the same result with Fill Caps unchecked and increasing resolution. In the 2nd screenshot, when you look from above, it’s like the shape of the hairs changes depending the angle you look at them, it’s really strange.