Hair system with fat hairs artefatc

Hi! I create the coat for character with stilized fur on it. The hairs will be quit fat. So when I creat the hair parameters I like there is some intersect artefact happens. I attached the short video demostration of the problem. And file with the object.
Can you please give me some advice how can I avoid this artefact effect?

here is the archive with blend file
artefact_hairs.7z (2.9 MB)

Sadly, only 2 options and both will give you a massive performance hit:

Eevee: Convert to Curves, add GN modifier Use Curve-to-Mesh node instead.
Cycles: Use 3D Curves shape option.

Good luck.

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Thanx for answer… EEVEE… this will not work, the character will be rigged and we need some dynamic effects with hairs

OK… so your other option is to use the Particle Instance modifier… you can instance 3D curves that way on existing particles without sacrificing any of the built-in physics.

It takes some experimentation to get it to work… Remember to enable the Create Along Paths option.

Good luck!

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